Original post by Anonymous Poster
This motion prevents the sword from travelling much further than to your intended point of impact. Even if the opponent has moved out of the way the sword stops there (without using muscular force).
Just a (not so short) note, since this discussion is about swordfighting. The same method is also used in unarmed martial arts. You twist your hand just before it hits, which not only stops the arm, but also give the punch or strike more power. Besides, it looks more sharp and "professional", when your hand "magically" stops in midair. Also, your arms or legs should never be totally straight at the end of a strike, since this could easily strain a muscle.
About slowing down the fight: maybe you could somehow calculate the adrenaline level of the PC (player character), and make the battle more slower and strikes more powerful with higher adrenaline level. And after an intensive fight, you should be really tired.
I intended to write a(n even) longer post, but I have to catch a train. Maybe I''ll write more tonight (it''s 13:55 in Finland now).