

Started by November 07, 2000 03:21 PM
3 comments, last by Blade Runner 24 years, 3 months ago
Well i wanted to make a Mountain but i''m not sure how to go about making it and including it into a OpenGL demo. Them main question is how do i make it the way that you can go on and on forever with out running of the mountain.
--------------------------I shall thrash his bloody head in, cut it from upon his shoulders, and as his blood flows effortlessly down my blade, I shall taste it's sweetness. Blade Runner’s Entertainment Nothing much right now...
Try an early morning scene

use quad patches to create a mountain scene, use the fog in background to cycle the collection or patches round.

Not sure how you want to build an OpenGL Demo, but if I was animating the scene : Patches + (Light) fog / cycle infinity.

Would look nice as well

Hope this helps...
I''ll look into it on Saturday and than maybe i will have enough time to try it out although the whole patch thing sounds confusing i will try to figure out what your talking about?...
--------------------------I shall thrash his bloody head in, cut it from upon his shoulders, and as his blood flows effortlessly down my blade, I shall taste it's sweetness. Blade Runner’s Entertainment Nothing much right now...
I''ll look into it on Saturday and than maybe i will have enough time to try it out although the whole patch thing sounds confusing i will try to figure out what your talking about?...


Click on the CREATE tab in MAX (the hand with spark icon)
and drop the pull down menu, select Patch Grids instead of Standard Primitives and select QUAD Patch.

Make it an editable mesh, and you can pull vertices to create a mountain. Make a large scene through a number of mountains and use the Enviroment Generator to add fog...

Hope this helps.
Man this takes forever to do but i''ll stick with it because it is a chalange.
--------------------------I shall thrash his bloody head in, cut it from upon his shoulders, and as his blood flows effortlessly down my blade, I shall taste it's sweetness. Blade Runner’s Entertainment Nothing much right now...

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