
Pressure-sensitive mouse

Started by March 19, 2005 09:02 PM
19 comments, last by eSCHEn 19 years, 10 months ago
1: Mostly programming, but I use my mouse for gaming mostly
2: 10
3: 9
4: 9
5: 7
6: C
7: D
8: Very
9: Like: Wireless, accurate. Dislike: If I drop it, I have to bend over to pick it up... there's no cord to drag it up by
how about finger stress?
for people who might use the pressure function a lot of times,
stress on the point or middle finger might get too much.
try pressing your point or middle finger with some intensity and repeat
for several minutes. my fingers got a bit sore.

Also the material for the button must be tougher than usual. I've had older mice fail in clicking when I pressed too hard for a while (or too many shooting games - endless clicking), the button actually made a groove on the plastic of the mouse, so pressing down did not click the button.

I suggest putting the pressure button on the side of the mouse since the thumb might be better for pressure control and less stress on the fingers.

for the survey
1. D
2. 8
3. 2
4. 8
5. 7
6. B
7. B
8 .yup
9. no ball to clean. mousewheel
---------------Magic is real, unless declared integer.- the collected sayings of Wiz Zumwalt
to me it doesnt matter although imagine a pressure sensitive mouse in gamming...

the harder you right click the higher you jump, that would be a damn cool effet.

As long as the mouse isnt more than double normal mouse costs and it is optical i would buy it can experiment on games and shit.

As for coding i only use the mouse to slide the scroll bar and also if i want something harder ill set it, keyboard controls is best there...

Make the pressure sensitive buttons REALLY "spongy" ... otherwise I imagine it'd be hard to judge "exactly" how much pressure you are applying, make the minimum to maximum pressure distances between 0.0nano meters to 4 miles should be enough :)

EDIT: Added survey...

1. What applications do you use your computer for most?
A. Gaming
B. Design ( CAD, 3D, etc )
C. Word processing
D. Work / Other
D+A = gaming + programming games

2. What value do you put on overall performance of a mouse you buy (i.e. smooth movement, accuracy, etc)?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Don’t consider------------Huge consideration
Err, Accuracy = 8 (Like if I moved it one meter across desk = 1 pixel, I'd be pissed off! :) .. I like being able to move approx half mouse mat = full screen

3. What value do you put on aesthetics of a mouse you buy (look and feel)?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Don’t consider------------Huge consideration
I don't give a shit what the mouse looks like, I'm too busy looking at screen, feel = I must forget that the mouse is underneath me, I simply want to move my hand and the cursor moves with me.
Hmmm, 8

4. What value do you put on durability of a mouse you buy?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Don’t consider------------Huge consideration
I can never tell how long a mouse's buttons last before they stop working from adverts, yet.. If I buy a mouse and the mouse buttons last more than 6 months, I consider the mouse a "good buy"... but I wish buttons wouldn't break so quickly.
Hmm, 7 ... although 10 on all of there options to be honest! Apart from...

5. How important is hearing the “click” noise of the mouse so that you know that you’ve clicked?
Click noise? Bah, not important, Hmm.. or is it?... I haven't honestly thought about it... to be honest, it's more of the feel of the mouse button down/up state, rather than the noise... the distance between down and up should be short, yet consise.. a consise bool if you will.

6. How much did you pay for your last mouse?
A. $0 - $15
B. $16 - $30
C. $31 - $50
D. $50 +
Too embarressed to say :0 5million (It's gold, with diamond anti-finger slip studded mouse buttons :)... hehe.... OK.. I'm back in reality now... about 30 bucks for a 5 button programmable (AKA normal 2 button + wheel + 2 side programmable buttons (one = double click, other = undefined (Can't find a use for it) AKA Ideal mouse = 3 buttons+wheel)
Err... C

7. How much would you be willing to pay for a pressure-sensitive mouse (IF more PC games and design programs used the feature)?
A. Would not buy
B. $1 - $15
C. $16 - $30
D. $31 - $50
E. $50 +
Hmm, if game developers incorporated button sensitivity?.. for example.. push hard to lob the grenade really far, or err, I can't think of other uses... Hmm, initially, not much :(... but If I noticed uses for it, so that it became benficial, gave me an advantage while gaming online... probably about $60, so E

8. Are you satisfied with your current mouse?
Yes, it's optical, so no more mess on the ball
No, I used to find cleaning the mess from my ball somehow, strangly satisfying.
And NO.... the left mouse button is starting to not work at times!

9. What do you like / dislike about your current mouse?
It isn't made out of some hand forming gell which wraps around my hand like a womens breast. Also.. the mouse button edges have this weird dark grey/brown substance growing around it (I guess sweat)... I believe mice should be perferated, to allow breathing of my hand. (they should also smell like freshly cooked kebab meat™, Mmmmm yum!)

[Edited by - TerraX on March 24, 2005 6:32:20 AM]

1. What applications do you use your computer for most?
D(? programming), B (3D) and A Gaming

2. What value do you put on overall performance of a mouse you buy (i.e. smooth movement, accuracy, etc)?


3. What value do you put on aesthetics of a mouse you buy (look and feel)?


4. What value do you put on durability of a mouse you buy?


5. How important is hearing the “click” noise of the mouse so that you know that you’ve clicked?


6. How much did you pay for your last mouse?


7. How much would you be willing to pay for a pressure-sensitive mouse (IF more PC games and design programs used the feature)?


8. Are you satisfied with your current mouse?


9. What do you like / dislike about your current mouse?

It’s not cordles, has two scroll wheels, good response, comfortable, works both for gaming and working
Exitus Acta Probat
The touch pad on my laptop already is pressure sensitive.
1. B/D
Although, I do tend to use my computer for practically everything. Server, coding, gaming, whatever. I rebuild a lot.

2. 10
The mouse MUST move smoothly and must be very accurate. It cannot stick, and must not be uncomfortable to use.

3. 2
I don't particularly care, really. If it looks cool, without adding anything to the price then that's good, but if it still functions the same, and doesn't look cool that's fine too. Just so long as it isn't a case of form over function, or form adding ridiculously to the price.

4. 5
It's not something I want to buy often. I've been lucky so far, and my mice have lasted for the length of the computer, so two to three years. Maybe it's unrealistic, I don't know.

5. <1

6. A or B, I think.

7. C/D

8. Somewhat. I'd like perhaps a more accurate one.

9. Gets clogged up quite easily, and loses accuracy. An optical mouse would perhaps be better. Also, miss the pressure sensitive ability of graphics tablet.
Deyja: Yes, it does exist on some laptop mice. I think it was just more feasible, kind of built in already? (capacitive switch) Maybe just more important to laptop users.

But we're going to try to make this important to everybody :)

Thanks so much for all the replies!!

--== discman1028 ==--
For the lazy: clicky.
Darren Clark

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