Reason 3.0
This was brought to my attention by a post in the lounge but here's an announcement for the appropriate forum.
Well, now I've had some time to look over the info. The obvious question is: is it worth the upgrade?
For someone with 2.5, who does no live work, and considering the fact that the mastering stuff isn't absolutly necessary to have integrated in the rendering software, and everything else is just convenience stuff, it dosn't really seem necessary at all.
On the other hand: I wantie, I wantie, I wantie!
For someone with 2.5, who does no live work, and considering the fact that the mastering stuff isn't absolutly necessary to have integrated in the rendering software, and everything else is just convenience stuff, it dosn't really seem necessary at all.
On the other hand: I wantie, I wantie, I wantie!
March 18, 2005 07:45 PM
What about refills? The damn thing HAS TO have new/refreshed refills. I'll laugh the new version up if they just toss the old orchestra/factory in for the bundle. Mastering package seems to be promising but I'm disappointed with the absence of any new synths cuz honestly I don't find reason's synths to be oh-so-great... period. And the rest of the 3.0's 'features' are surely just another ad trick. Nah, at the end of the day I guess I don't want it. Fight Club taught me good :) It's like buying an oval table and throwing away old regular square one just cuz in some commercial they told you "it's 1 inch taller and has new stylish look." Know what I mean?
well if anyone upgrades and wants to donate their old copy in my direction they're more than welcome!
Unfortunatly anyone who upgrades will probably get an upgrade version (where you have to keep the old version), because it's substantially cheeper.
Put it this way, the upgrade is much more tempting if it's ~$130, rather than if it's $500.
Put it this way, the upgrade is much more tempting if it's ~$130, rather than if it's $500.
March 20, 2005 02:15 PM
If you buy an upgrade and sell the previous version it is illegal . The seller will lose all rights to future upgrades and the buyer will not be supported or be allowed to upgrade .
It is on the front page of their web site .
It is on the front page of their web site .
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