
Linux Kernel 2.6. question

Started by March 18, 2005 12:16 AM
2 comments, last by Kylotan 19 years, 11 months ago
Hi all, About a year ago, there was a big stink about several of the linux distro's crapping on the "front information of a harddrive" (i.e the partition info) during there install process... Fedora Core 2 was one of them and variou sother versions.... the cuase was that the Linux 2.6.x kernel had a slightly different way of dealing with the partition tables, but the various disk utilities were not updated.... now over a year has passed, is this still the case? right now I run Fedora Core 1, which is getting out of date (I did update it with YUM) but lots of "core" stuff is old.. glibc, GTK/GD, ect... anyone here able to install some of the newer distros without parition table thrashing? I have not heard/read about it in quite some time, so maybe it was fixed, but on the other hand, I never rad that the issue was fixed. I know if you run Linix ONLY, it is ok and does not matter, but basicly I do this: Win9x (not XP) for games and Linux for work... so I'd like win9x to still work to play.... Best Regards
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I dual boot on both my computers windows and the 2.6 kernel. I think that was mainly a FC2 thing, I don't think it still occurs in FC3 and I had no problems at all in Ubuntu or Mepis (Debian based systems).
I've run it since before version 2.6 was actually released (which is to say, I ran 2.5 testing kernels), and I've never had any such problems (on a dual boot system). I've no idea how the Fedora people managed to screw it up, but it's certainly not a universal problem ... and presumably they've since learned their lesson.

(Gentoo Linux on AMD64 (~amd64), kernel— once I reboot—x86_64)
It wasn't Fedora specific; similar issues hit Mandrake 10 and allegedly SuSe (9.1?) as well.

No idea if it got fixed yet.

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