
Ideas for a satire

Started by November 06, 2000 11:03 PM
19 comments, last by TrigonLoki 24 years, 3 months ago
A while back, FRPG had an excellent parodic CCG (card game) called Guardians. The pictures were, and still are IMHO the best around, and the themes and monsters they had were quite hilarious. There were several expansions : Dagger Isle (Pirates), Drifters Nexus (far west), and Necropolis Park (Dinosaurs and Egypt). The game had quite a bunch of puns in it, with cards ssuch as "Dork Age" (referring to another game called Dark Age), Lizards on the Toast (referring to Wizards of the Coast, now owners of TSR), the Black Locust or Small Pox (referring to some legendary cards in the game MAgic), etc
Plus there were tons of weird monsters, and equally weird illustrations. Gotta check that one out.

Otherwise I hear talking about this guy Terry Pratchett

Or read the hilarious Dork Tower

youpla :-P
-----------------------------Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !
Original post by Anonymous Poster

Other things to poke fun at:
Only the heroes actually move into or out of towns. All the local NPCs tend to stay put (most stay rooted to the same spot)

"I am NOT going ANYWHERE!"

Maybe at some point in the game make every quest you can find anywhere absolutely the same?

You could also have a *huge* army of goblins or whatever at some point and they surround you and they start hammering on your legs (they won''t reach higher) without taking any hitpoints from you. As soon as you sligtly shove them (move?) they start running away, whining, some lying on the ground screaming for no good reason. (as a satire to the very common, chanceless scapegoat race ["end goblin genocide"])

But be careful, you might overdo it with the jokes!

- JQ, PWC Software
"programming is all about wasting time" -me
My favorite is just come up with some very serious story, and add all these things into it-and no NPCs notice all the strange stuff.

And put in a wandering idiot called B-man, and a sage with no personality named G-man. Both of whom run for office, and when Bush is elected Millions of the populations runs screaming for the airports hopeing to escape the apocalypse. Oh wait, that's not fantasy... Oops, that doesn't say Bush!

Have very small spells cause gigantic eye-candy effects, only for a extremely little thing. Say a 'Move Object' spell causes swirling gigantic Maelstroms of colorful sparks just to knock off a pebble.

Then don't forget stores that sell useless things...
"MOMMY! MOMMY! Can I buy that 3 gp stick??? CAn I? Huh? Huh?"
"You already have a stick"
"But it is worth 3 gp!!! Why can't I have that one??! You don't like me! wahhhh"

And I almost forgot- Buy the +1 Backscracher, play Papers and Paychecks ('the fantasy role playing game where you pretend you're students and workers in a capatalist society'), and -1 dil**. (is that word bad?)

Edited by - C-Junkie on November 8, 2000 5:01:50 PM
I know... When your character first picks up a sword, they can only attack by holding the blade and bashing enemies to death with the handle

-Chris Bennett of Dwarfsoft - Site:"The Philosophers'' Stone of Programming Alchemy" - IOL
The future of RPGs - Thanks to all the goblins over in our little Game Design Corner niche
I''ve always wanted to see an RPG where you start out as a teen who just had his/her coming of age and wants to leave the homestead. Their father nods silently...and leaves the room to go get his ''adventuring gear'', as in fact he heads out back and grabs a ''stick of ogre bashing'' and ''leaf of genital protection +1''.

Also...use a magic system similar to Baldur''s Gate...but instead of these chants that sound like magical ones...have the caster stand there reciting poetry or just chanting ''oogaly moogaly alakazam!!!''

This RtS-Babble© has been brought to you by:
A good Satire would probably poke fun at all the other RPGs. Let''s see.

Have NPCs complain about waiting for you for 3 weeks just so that they can give you a quest.

Make the plot painfully sterotypic.
"Hey there son! You''ve had quite a knock to the head. What? You say you don''t remember anything? Well, your name is Travis Molo and you''re a great warrior and the only person that can save our land. Go out into the land and claim your destiny and get immensiy powerful and wealthy by killing the evil Sodracks who only want to destry our earth."

Make fun of the typical RPG combat scene. Like have the monsters start tapping their feet impatiently while waiting for you to select your attack.

Have a highlander effect whenever a character gains a level, only in reverse. So, the player starts off with really flashy graphics and kick a** music with the first few levels, but then after like level 15, just has one drum tapping a little.

Have the bosses complain about how they had to put there world domination on hold while waiting for you to arrive.

Have areas in the world look incomplete and have the NPCs complain about how the Level Editors forgot to complete their house.


That''s bull, Ian.
-Blackstream Will you, won't you, will you, won't you, won't you take my virus?-The Mad HackerBlackstream's Webpage
How about, when you are up against the big boss, you can''t actually attack him. The only way to kill him is to cast your most piss-weak spell at him and watch him laugh himself to death

-Chris Bennett of Dwarfsoft - Site:"The Philosophers'' Stone of Programming Alchemy" - IOL
The future of RPGs - Thanks to all the goblins over in our little Game Design Corner niche
Thank you everyone!

I''m a little worried now, though - the game is gonna have to be darn good to satisfy you! All your ideas are really good, though.

Keep em coming, please!

I like food.
I like food.
Here''s a run at a premise:

Evil Princess Apricot has abducted the prominent satanist official, Giggles, and taken him to THE CAVE OF DARKNESS. The magistrate has assigned you the task of returning Giggles before he is due to open the Satanist bake sale in two months.

Sound good?

A sample of weapons:
-Nerf Gun
-2x4 of Tetanus
-Phallic Object
-Curved Stick with Catgut String and an Infinite Supply of Long Projectiles with Pointy Ends
-Howitzer (Kept in the backpack of course)

-Magic Missile: launch a cruise missile from the palm of your hand!
-Fustrate: Make monsters stomp their feet and yell loudly!
-Lawsuit: Gain money while demoralizing your opponent to the point of retreat
-Call Anvil: I summon...THUMP!

Oh, I do hope this project goes well - I''m kinda nervous!

by Loki

I like food.
I like food.
There could be some irreverent classes to make fun of the whole class/level thing. These can be NPCs if they make the design too difficult.

Like: a level 7 accountant, a level 3 waitress, a level 27 peasant.

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