
NeHe for President!

Started by November 06, 2000 09:56 AM
8 comments, last by Hobbes182 24 years, 3 months ago
I''m a student who has been learning OpenGL for the past couple of weeks, and the progress I''ve made has been ten-fold ever since I discovered NeHe''s site. Tommorrow, I''m going to go down and cast my vote for NeHe! This country (world) needs more people like Nehe!!! NeHe just remember: "The FORCE will be with you, Always." Thanks for your tutorials, and Web Page. I learn 20 new things every time I log on.
I''d much rather have NeHe for president than Bush .
If he, Bush, gets elected I will truly be disapointed in America!

"Paranoia is the belief in a hidden order behind the visible." - Anonymous
I hate to inform you ignorent people of this but Nehe lives in Canada and in Canada they don''t have president the have prime minister-- but the facts remain and I will sneak acroos the border and vote nehe for prime minister!!

Open mouth, insert foot
If NeHe is elected Prime Minister he better watch out for all of those nasty attackers... (Pie in Cretien''s face, chocolate milk on Stockwell Day''s suit...) It could get ugly... They might start with poutine! Hehehehehe... Good old Quebec. Canada needs Quebec though, otherwise, who would we make fun of?

OH BARF!! Not enough that I have to see these political jokers on TV everyday but now you dare to bring that filth to the forums? DEMONS OUT!!!

All hail King NeHe.

heh..saw a dumb Canadian programming joke (Dumb joke, not dumb Canadian!) today as to how to pronounce Delphi (Probably as old as the hills):

Is it Delph-eye or Delph-eee?

For Canadians it's Delph-eh?

Oh man...that hurts...


Edited by - ExoZagNoid on November 6, 2000 8:22:41 PM
Yeah, well even if he was in the US, it''s a little late to get his name on the ballot, seeing as the election is tomorrow...

Vote Bush

Excuse me whilst I conquer Earth...

Commander M
(a.k.a. Crazy Yank)
You could always write him in.
Vote Harry Browne.
actually you have to register as a write in candidate with the Secritary of State takes about a month i believe but (almost) anyone who applies will be accepted. After all, what would happin if John Smith were elected by write in, who would be president? lol
Brought to you by: []O.G.A.P.O.[/email] +----------------------------------------+| Surgeon General's Warning - || OGAPO can cause serious mental damage || if taken in large doses. |+----------------------------------------+/* Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups */
Original post by Strylinys

If NeHe is elected Prime Minister he better watch out for all of those nasty attackers... (Pie in Cretien''s face, chocolate milk on Stockwell Day''s suit...) It could get ugly... They might start with poutine! Hehehehehe... Good old Quebec. Canada needs Quebec though, otherwise, who would we make fun of?

S. we Quebecers need Newfies for the same reason that you need us .. ;o)

PS- It'' good seeing you back On-Line Nehe!!!!!
HaHaHaHaHaHa - you guys crack me up

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