Fighters could have....Blunts
I like where this is going.
To stay on topic, there's a MUD out there called Dragonrealms. Completely skill based. Everyone can use every skill, with certain exceptions. For example, only traders can learn the trading skill. Other than that, anyone can use any weapon, any armor, etc.
Based on your class, you may be more hindered and less able to dodge if you wear plate armor instead of leather. It's possible, but impractical, for thieves to wear plate for example because it hinders hiding quite a bit compared to leather. Basically there are 5 skill sets: weapons, armor, magic, survivial, and lore. Each class is "primary" in 1 skill, secondary in one or two others, and tertiary in everything else. It works on a cyclical 8, 4, and 2 rank system.
Each skill has a "pool" that you fill up with potential XP by doing stuff. Cast a spell alot and your primary magic skill will go from throughtful, to concentrating, to perplexed, eventually to mind lock after which point you can't get any more potential XP. The size of this pool is determined by certain stats and your level. Every 300 seconds you "pulse" and based on a formula also dealing with mental stats and level, you convert a certain amount of that pool to real XP points.
If you are primary in magic, then at rank 1 of the cycle you'll convert 100% of your potential XP, then as you progress through the cycle you convert at a slower rate.
Rank 1 - primary magic: 101.10.34% mind lock --> pulse --> 101.60.24% thoughtful
Rank 2 - primary magic: 102.10.34% mind lock --> pulse --> 102.50.11% concentrating
Rank 3 - primary magic: 103.10.34% mind lock --> pulse --> 103.34.17% perplexed
Rank 8 - primary magic: 108.10.34% mind lock --> pulse --> 108.18.54% dazed
Rank 1 - primary magic: 109.10.34% mind lock --> pulse --> 109.59.01% thoughtful
The last rank in your cycle is called your "wall rank" and it's the hardest to get through. Then it resets and it's again relatively easy to earn your next ranks in the skill.
If you're a mage trying to learn an armor skill though, you'll find it much harder yet still possible, since armor is tertiary and basically every other rank will be a wall rank.
This way your character can be and do anything, within limits, some things are just harder to attain than others.