PErsonally, I like to use astrology. Whether you believe in it or not, there is a helluva lot material to create interesting characters. And no, there aint jsut 12 types, there is much more more combinations than that. For instance : I am a Scorpio, with Taurus rising. IF I remember correctly, the Sun sign indicates what you are by default, and the Rising sun sign what you try to be, well, at least that''s how I end up being so far. SCorpio and Taurus being opposite, you end up with a personality struggling for a middle ground, teared apart between passion and novelty, and comfort and safety. It''s a bit of a short explanation, but it''s me, and astrology in this case gave me quite a good understanding of my own character.

As for romantic, I am wondering what romantism you are talking about here, S&S ? Are you talking about 19th century french Romantism ? ''cause I dont really see where your examples fit in. Do you know about the french authors Balzac, Flaubert, Baudelaire ? They diud quite a bunch of work on all this.
nowadays, if you look at the goth scene, that would be the nearest thing to the 19th century romantism. Basically it''s all about "Life is desperate and I wanna die, but I want people to notice that I am gonna die" ... mmm.
S&S : the "arrogant individualist, but actually I am a weakling " would be Elric the NEcromancer and his sword Stormbringer.
youpla :-P
-----------------------------Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !