
OpenGL Projects

Started by November 05, 2000 12:41 PM
0 comments, last by Bezzant 24 years ago
Hi, I''ve been creating W32 opengl stuff on my computer for a week now and I haven''t used them on another computer yet... could someone answer me this please: When I take the demos to the other computer will that computer need any *.dll or *.lib files that I have such as the glut32.lib i think it is... Thanks for your help. Alan IF YA SMELL... WHAT THE BEZZ IS COOKIN''''
u mean only using the win os,
opengl32.dll will prolly already be on the machine (but u better take it just in case)
glu32.dll (if ure using it that is)
glut32.dll (if ure using it that is)

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