What would your ideal Linux distro have?
The context this thread loses when I miss the word packages in my original post :/
AMP Minibowling - Free asynchronous multiplayer mobile minigolf+bowling
all of what you have bashed (:P) about Linux, is solved by kde. Mine would have to whole of kde. kwrite is the best editor in the world (kedit was obseleted a looong time ago).
as mentioned above, portage provides me with everything I need so far, speaking about both desktop and server.
Quote: Original post by Promit
It would definitely have a text editor that doesn't suck ass. (Note: This excludes emacs, xemacs, vim, gvim, kvim, nedit, gedit, kedit, scite, nano, pico, jed, and most other currently available linux text editors. Offer not valid with brainwashed people who actually like one of the aforementioned editors.)
What's wrong with scite?
I like the DARK layout!
how 'bout this request:
I want some freaking drivers
for my damn sound card.
I want some freaking drivers
for my damn sound card.
[Formerly "capn_midnight". See some of my projects. Find me on twitter tumblr G+ Github.]
Quote: Original post by Ilici
As Promit mentioned, a good text editor (excluding console ones) easy to use and with a simple and intuitive interface would be welcome.
Such as, say... kate?
Quote: Original post by Karelian
One can always dream:
- no dependency hell
- no driver problems with new/proprietary hardware
- hardware drawn GUI
- standardized GUI (as already mentioned)
- better looking fonts
- a useful configuration utility
- no need for a basic user to ever compile anything
- ability to play games (be it because of developer linux support or easily set up emulation)
all of what you have bashed (:P) about Linux, is solved by kde.
KDE doesn't actually solve any of the above problems.
Quote: Original post by BradDaBug
My ideal distro would have the ability to unplug and replug my USB mouse and have it still work. That is the holy grail of linux distros.
So Debian would be perfect for you ;)
Joking aside, I've just tried unplugging and replugging my (USB) mouse from my laptop, and it did in fact work without any problems. My setup is roughly
- recent Debian unstable
- kernel 2.6.9
- XF86Config-4 contains the "/dev/input/mice" catch-all as an input device
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