
startx troubles, can't find debian xf86config-4

Started by February 27, 2005 04:20 PM
17 comments, last by CyberSlag5k 19 years, 7 months ago
And, in your Screen section, does it still say 'Monitor "Generic Monitor"', or does it have the identifier you entered for your monitor (as it should)?
My stuff.Shameless promotion: FreePop: The GPL god-sim.
Great response Doc :).

My server layout section has the following:

Section "ServerLayout"   Identifier   "Default Layout"   Screen       "Princeton VL1715" #I just changed this as per your suggestion   InputDevice  "Generic Keyboard"   InputDevice  "Configured Mouse"   InputDevice  "Generic Mouse"EndSection

Even after adding the Princeton VL1715, I'm still getting the same error.

Also, I tried changing the driver to "nvidia" in the config file and that gave a new error.

I looked through the link you supplied some, but I'm not entirely sure what is still out of place...
Without order nothing can exist - without chaos nothing can evolve.
I just had a thought, just before teh "fatal server error:" line, there's a line that says:

(EE) No devices detected.

I'm using a device that switches my keyboard, mouse, and monitor from my linux computer to my PC. Could that be affecting anything? My keyboard still works on the linux box (I'm not sure about the mouse). Do you think that is the problem? It's kind of a hassle to switch them out (there are alot of cords and stuff back there), so if you guys think the problem might be else where I'd like to try there first.
Without order nothing can exist - without chaos nothing can evolve.
Quote: Original post by CyberSlag5k
Section "Screen"   Identifier   "Default Screen"   Deviuce      "Generic Video Card"   Monitor      "Generic Monitor"   DefaultDepth 24   SubSection   "Display"      Depth     1      Modes     "1280x1024"   EndSubsection

Did it really say "Deviuce"?
~CGameProgrammer( ); Developer Image Exchange -- New Features: Upload screenshots of your games (size is unlimited) and upload the game itself (up to 10MB). Free. No registration needed.
Quote: Original post by CGameProgrammer
Quote: Original post by CyberSlag5k
Section "Screen"   Identifier   "Default Screen"   Deviuce      "Generic Video Card"   Monitor      "Generic Monitor"   DefaultDepth 24   SubSection   "Display"      Depth     1      Modes     "1280x1024"   EndSubsection

Did it really say "Deviuce"?

No, that's a typo.
Without order nothing can exist - without chaos nothing can evolve.
Quote: Original post by CyberSlag5k
Quote: Original post by CGameProgrammer
Quote: Original post by CyberSlag5k
Section "Screen"   Identifier   "Default Screen"   Deviuce      "Generic Video Card"   Monitor      "Generic Monitor"   DefaultDepth 24   SubSection   "Display"      Depth     1      Modes     "1280x1024"   EndSubsection

Did it really say "Deviuce"?

No, that's a typo.

Wait a minute... What is the Identifier in your Device section and your Monitor section? Like the Screen identifier must match in ServerLayout, those must also match what is written in the Screen section.

If that's all OK, then it may just be your switch getting in the way. Just try plugging them in directly and see what happens...
My stuff.Shameless promotion: FreePop: The GPL god-sim.
Section "Device"   Identifier   "Geforce 6800GT"   Driver       "nv"   Option       "UseFBDev"        "true"EndSectionSection "Monitor"   Identifier   "Princeton VL1715"   HorizSync    30-80   VertRefresh  50-75   Option       "DPMS"EndSectionSection "Screen"   Identifier "Princeton VL1715"   Device     "Geforce 6800GT"   Monitor    "Princeton VL1715"   Default Depth 24#depth stuffSection "ServerLayout"   Identifier "Default Layout"   Screen     "Princeton VL1715"   InputDevice "Generic Keyboard"   InputDevice "Configured Mouse"   InputDevice "Generic Mouse"End section

That look right? Is there anything else I should look for?
Without order nothing can exist - without chaos nothing can evolve.
Quote: Original post by CyberSlag5k
*** Source Snippet Removed ***

That look right? Is there anything else I should look for?

'Option "UseFBDev" "true"' looks dodgy to me. Remove that line.

I'm not sure if it matters (it's worth a try, though), but I don't like the way the Screen identifier is the same as the Monitor identifier. Try changing one of them (and the corresponding link in the other section).

If that doesn't work and plugging your monitor in directly doesn't work, post the whole XF86Config-4 and /var/log/X**** (some log file in there starts with a capital X, I'm pretty sure it's the only one, but I can't remember exactly what it's called).
My stuff.Shameless promotion: FreePop: The GPL god-sim.
Thanks for all the help, guys. As it turns out, I had installed the 2.22 kernel (which is wierd because I think I got debian 3.0. Why would they bundle the latest version of the distro with an old version of the kernel). I reinstalled using sarge this time. Everything was automagically set up for me (I only had to go in to change the default resolution), and so all is well. Installing Linux is soooo much easier than it used to be. I couldn't be happier with my new system (and I've only played around with it for about an hour).
Without order nothing can exist - without chaos nothing can evolve.

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