Mldonkey, no servers.ini
when i install the mlnet core rpm, it doesn't seem to come with any servers.ini i have looked all over the net, and cannot find a servers.ini i can use with mlnet. Thanks.
Hi Genjix,
I know the answer, but you're treading on thin ice asking this on gdnet - mldonkey is a p2p program after all. Piracy + gdnet = kaboom!
Of course, in theory, you could be using it for some legitimate purpose, but as far as I can see it's a dirty great warez network.
I know the answer, but you're treading on thin ice asking this on gdnet - mldonkey is a p2p program after all. Piracy + gdnet = kaboom!
Of course, in theory, you could be using it for some legitimate purpose, but as far as I can see it's a dirty great warez network.
Where did I say it was a crime?
I'm saying it's a bad idea to ask for a list of servers for a P2P network that is used almost exclusively for warez, on a forum that doesn't tolerate warez.
P2P in itself is not illegal, but let's face it, the eDonkey network *is* being used for warez almost exclusively. I don't think GDNet's policy is designed so that everyone tiptoes around trying to find warez without explicitly stating it.
I'll happily discuss P2P networks, but I'm not going to tell someone how to get a list of servers, when they almost certainly want that list to download warez.
I'm saying it's a bad idea to ask for a list of servers for a P2P network that is used almost exclusively for warez, on a forum that doesn't tolerate warez.
P2P in itself is not illegal, but let's face it, the eDonkey network *is* being used for warez almost exclusively. I don't think GDNet's policy is designed so that everyone tiptoes around trying to find warez without explicitly stating it.
I'll happily discuss P2P networks, but I'm not going to tell someone how to get a list of servers, when they almost certainly want that list to download warez.
wtf? all i asked for, was a servers.ini as mldonkey didnt come with one. If I was desperate for warez, there are many of programs around that you can use, not to mention the websites. Don't fucking accuse me, when you have no clue what your talking about.
Genjix, calm down please, I'm not accusing you, please don't go trolly just because the AP did. I'm just saying the server lists around are all chock-full of warez. I was trying to point out that gdnet tends to nuke people for talking about warez, so be careful. If you're sure there are ones around that aren't just distributing warez (I'm not sure there are, that's all), then the files you are looking for are *.met, usually server.met, which you can import using the telnet interface (I forget the exact command, hopefully it will be obvious from the help). There are plenty of server files linked from the mldonkey homepage in the HOWTOs section.
No, not close at all. I'd put it more like this:
"I know the answer, and I may or may not have used mldonkey for piracy, but I'd be a fool to talk about it on this forum."
I would perhaps listen to your argument a little more if you didn't hide behind your anonymity, and if you had a little more capability for talking rationally. Geez, I was trying to help him not get banned.
P2P networks are dirty great warez-infested holes, I don't think you can deny that. You are the one inferring that I consider myself above it all.
Was that close? I for one don't use p2p programs at all, but if people want to, that's their responsibility. Personal responsibility... whatever happened to that concept?
No, not close at all. I'd put it more like this:
"I know the answer, and I may or may not have used mldonkey for piracy, but I'd be a fool to talk about it on this forum."
I would perhaps listen to your argument a little more if you didn't hide behind your anonymity, and if you had a little more capability for talking rationally. Geez, I was trying to help him not get banned.
P2P networks are dirty great warez-infested holes, I don't think you can deny that. You are the one inferring that I consider myself above it all.
Original post by Anonymous Poster
As if "Neex" is your real name.
Fair point, but it does provide a way of identifying me.
For your entertainment, here are some legitimate reasons for connecting to p2p apps:
* Share your shareware with the world.
* Check to see if your programs are being shared.
* Do research, by finding out what the most popular music files, etc are.
Yeah, I agree, these are all valid. They're not very common reasons for connecting however, which is why I was hesitant to post the info (given above) on how to get a server list, and warning Genjix to be careful.
The link for the HOWTO section of the mldonkey website is here btw. So hopefully that's all sorted out. Sorry if I sounded like I was accusing anyone, I do know a lot of people that use p2p networks, and none of them use them for anything other than downloading films, games and music.
Original post by Anonymous Poster
I probably overreacted, sorry about that. I have been annoyed in general lately, and I guess some of it rubbed off here. I always use the AP "account" whenever possible, though. It is one of my core philosphies that what is being said should always be more important than who says it.
No worries :) My wording was pretty poor...
Being an AP sounds interesting, I certainly respect that you're not bothered about gaining ratings/fame.
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