
Cedega support for Counter-Strike: Source

Started by January 27, 2005 05:40 PM
3 comments, last by 20 years, 1 month ago
As I understand it, Cedega ( allows users of Linux to run Windows games. The Transgaming website claims that Cedega can run Half-Life 2 and Counter-Strike: Source "right out of the box," for a low monthly subscription of $5 (USD) per month. I have learned from various sources that whenever Steam releases an update for either game, Cedega support for that game is broken until Cedega is updated. I am going to a LAN party tomorrow and would like to know if I could subscribe, download Cedega today, and run the latest versions of Half-Life 2 Deathmatch and Counter-Strike: Source (CS:S is particularly important) tomorrow. The last Steam update ( changed a lot of things, so it concerns me that Cedega might be useless for a while if I got it now, especially if I want to run my LAN games solely under Linux on Friday. Thanks in advance! ----------------- My System: SuSE Linux 9.2 ; Windows XP SP2 Celeron 2.4ghz 1024mb RAM ATI Radeon 9800XT (Latest ATI drivers working nicely)
I guess this means that there aren't that many Cedega users on GameDev? Oh well, I guess I'll just risk the $15 and find out for myself.
I've tried Half-Life 2 and CS:S in cedega. HL2 ran okish, but i couldn't get pixel shaders to work so it didn't look that pretty, but speedwise it was fine. As for CS:S it was kinda unplayable. I was getting pings of about 500 rather than 50 which is what I usually get when playing from windows. I guess the networking support isn't that hot yet. This was a few months ago and now Steam has stopped working for me in Cedega at all due to problems with updates not being compatable, like you said.

Basically I'd say it's not worth it..
Thanks for the tip, I'll wait until the next Cedega release, at the least, then.

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