
Code::Blocks C++ IDE

Started by January 26, 2005 09:01 AM
13 comments, last by Shannon Barber 19 years, 7 months ago
If you go to the Code::Blocks IDE forums and post, the author of the IDE uses posts a reply in less than a day which is very helpful. I'm currently using the IDE for a project I'm working on and its been better than any other free IDE for Windows I've found so far.

One of the minor annoyances for me is that it will not let you open up files that are not directly related to C++, meaning I can't edit my .inl or .inc (inline/include files) with the .inl or .inc extension in the editor. They won't even open up. Since they're all C++ code, the temporary workaround has been just to name the file "filename_inl.cpp" and tell the project not to compile or link it.

And I'm really looking forward to Yann L releasing his IDE. From the screenshot, it looks very promising, but I guess we'll need to wait until we can test it out.
Quote: Original post by wyrzy
One of the minor annoyances for me is that it will not let you open up files that are not directly related to C++, meaning I can't edit my .inl or .inc (inline/include files) with the .inl or .inc extension in the editor. They won't even open up. Since they're all C++ code, the temporary workaround has been just to name the file "filename_inl.cpp" and tell the project not to compile or link it.

This is actually very easy to fix. Did you report that to Yiannis?

Quote: Original post by Coder
Quote: Original post by wyrzy
One of the minor annoyances for me is that it will not let you open up files that are not directly related to C++, meaning I can't edit my .inl or .inc (inline/include files) with the .inl or .inc extension in the editor. They won't even open up. Since they're all C++ code, the temporary workaround has been just to name the file "filename_inl.cpp" and tell the project not to compile or link it.

This is actually very easy to fix. Did you report that to Yiannis?

I mentioned it on the forums. He said its coming in the next version (beta-6) which should be out soon.

Btw, does everyone know that beta-5 was released Jan 31st?
Just tried this out because of this thread. So far it looks very nice, it will even allow me to have the one project file/makefile for windows and linux. thanks for pointing this out. it also seems to work better than dev-cpp which is quite buggy, and is alright, but this takes the cake.
The Linux port of dev-cpp was dropped a long time ago unfortunetly.

The GNU autotools are too cumbersome, especially on Windows where you need to install some sort of Unix services to run them (either cygwin for a Linux-like environment or MS's own Unix Services 3.5 for a bsd-like environment).
If you are targetting a wide-range of *nix systems the GNU autotools make more sense, but many of us have Linux & Windows as the primary targets, and for that 'scons' is the nicest build tool I've found. You have to have python installed, but I think that's less troublesome than setting up Jam.
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