
Code::Blocks C++ IDE

Started by January 26, 2005 09:01 AM
13 comments, last by Shannon Barber 19 years, 7 months ago
Did anyone here use Code::Blocks C++ IDE? It runs on windows and linux (I've only tried it on windows so far, will try linux tonight), provides project management and integration with compilers and make systems, it doesn't force you to use autotools and has some intellisense from what I've been able to gather. I played around with it for a couple of minutes and found some annoyances (the UI is poorly organized, project navigation doesn't let you create your own folders) but so far it looks better than most (non-existant) alternatives. Did you try it? What do you think about it?
I'm currently evaluating it for use in a project. It looks pretty nice in my opinion - I'd be using it on both Linux and Windows if I decided to go with it. There's a few annoyances, but overall I think it's a good program with a lot of potential.
Did you ever try to contact the author about anything? I wonder how receptive he is to suggestions/commments. Also, what other alternatives did you look at? I'm curious if I missed something in my search.
I'm using Eclipse+CDT to do cross-platform Windows/Linux development.
Hmm, looks nice.. is it any good? Someone write a review :) Would an article/sticky thread with short descriptions and reviews of different GNU/Linux IDEs be a good idea?
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Quote: Original post by CoffeeMug
Did you ever try to contact the author about anything? I wonder how receptive he is to suggestions/commments. Also, what other alternatives did you look at? I'm curious if I missed something in my search.

I've tried Anjuta, MinGW Studio and KDevelop in my search so far. CodeBlocks is similar to MinGWStudio, but I think it has the potential to take off.

I haven't tried contacting the author, aside from posting in his announcement thread. I might give it a try when I get back into C++ again (I'm taking a break to do some Web Development).

I definitely think a virtual file tree would be good in the code blocks IDE, I got annoyed like you did about having to make physical directories for stuff.

I'm looking forward to Yann L's release when he puts it out.
Quote: Original post by evolutional
I definitely think a virtual file tree would be good in the code blocks IDE, I got annoyed like you did about having to make physical directories for stuff.

I make physical directories anyway (I actually think having directories in the workspace correspond to physical directories is a good idea). The problem is that A) I cannot create one from the IDE (right click on a folder and click "add new folder here" and B) it assumes that the project file is in the toplevel directory for the project which is often not the case (I tend to put them into arch/compiler/msvc, arch/compiler/mingwstudio, etc.) Being unable to organize my project the way I like is a freakin' showstopper.
Quote: Original post by evolutional
I'm looking forward to Yann L's release when he puts it out.

Yeah, I can't wait.
Quote: Original post by CoffeeMug
Did you ever try to contact the author about anything? I wonder how receptive he is to suggestions/commments. Also, what other alternatives did you look at? I'm curious if I missed something in my search.

I've had contact with him, and have contributed a couple of fixes to the project as well, before stopping due to lack of time. He's been very receptive and responsive, but he's been busy recently, and I believe he's not worked on the project for sometime. His id on GDNet is mandrav, but I don't know if he visits here often or not these days. You can try sending a message at's forums, or simply add a feature request on

Just a question from somebody who does not know much about the topic:
What is the problem with autotoolset? (you wrote "it doesn't force you to use autotools" and I often hear people complain about autotoolset). Is autotoolset not a good way of project organization for cross-platform of one wants to release source-code???
It's quite complex and a pain in the ass in general.. At least I don't want to touch it :) I mostly use Scons nowdays..

EDIT: I can never spell "at least" correctly..

[Edited by - tentoid on January 28, 2005 3:24:21 PM]
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