First off.. only the games in arcarde use martial arts. I think we can all agree that the basics of that are pretty easy to get. True.. a game with realistic combos would be pretty fly.. it''d still be in the same realm as all the other fighter games. Even a game of Ninjas.. one of this clan, one of that.. etc, each with realistic fighting styles and stances.. would still be the same genre, just with different things in it. Although. it would be nice to be able to change stances of your character to move in and do different combos.. but it''d just be a lot more to remember when it comes to button pushing

Now.. As Landfish said.. RPGs have the biggest lack of realistic combat. Final Fantasy. You stand there, you look, you fight. Turnbased entirely. Yet, you do some whopping damage numbers. I mean, heck.. some characters hit three times what their own health is.. and this is possible how? If you relate your power (muscles) to your own ability to taqke hits (also mainly associated with muscles) then they should be roughly proportionate to eachother, right? I mean, go back to the side-scrolling fighters of the arcade. You have X health max, you deal Y damage. Y is ALWAYS less than 1/4 X per hit. MK 3 shows this well with the percentages of damage you did on combos. You never hit for more than 75% in a single combo.. it was impossible to take someone down without them having a chance.
Now.. back to RPGs. When you hit something, you cannot hit harder than you can sustain to be hit. Otherwise you could kill yourself in a single blow, a few times over. It''s unrealistic. Magically, it''s possible.. but not by the self alone.
Now, till this point, we''ve been talking about karate styles. How about weapons and armor? Has anyone had much experience with that? No? good. Time to relate a funny story. This year, while up in New York, I went to I-Con, one of the biggest SF/RP conventions there is, held on long island. This is the second year i''ve been. Well, After most of everything was done, we meandered out to the lawn, to watch some medieval combat exibitions. About 20 minutes later, along came a few stormtroopers, in full armor. They watched for a while.. and it was kinda odd seeing stormtroopers watch medieval combat.. LOL. Well, one of the stormtroopers wants to fight. So they let him in the ring, throw some fake swords at his feet and let him choose one. Now, mind you.. a storm trooper, once fallen.. is screwed. This guy couldn''t bend halfway over to get a sword. So he kept trying to tell the guy to give him that big one.. hehe. Finally he got the dude to hand it to him, after he realized that he couldn''t bend over. Well, they clear out.. and him and the other dude go to it. This big stormtrooper walks around, lumbering around more like, trying to hit this guy, who''s just prancing around him! The guy kinda dances around for a few minutes, while the stormtrooper attempts to catch up to him, and finally the guy moves in, and whacks the stormtrooper a good one upside the helmet! LOL! you could imagine the trooper''s surprise. He was a good sport though, and fell as though he were dead.. after the guy whacked him a few more times. LOL!
In all.. big powerful armor really didn''t help him a bit. He was so encumbered and slow that he couldn''t even manage to bend over and get his weapon off the ground without falling to it. LOL.
Well.. i''ve got to cut this short, but that''ll give you something to think about in regards to medieval combat

Never buy armor you can''t bend over in, how else would people kiss your butt!?