
GLUT Usage

Started by October 25, 2000 11:17 PM
3 comments, last by Gladiator 24 years, 1 month ago
Hello everyone, I have two simple questions about using GLUT. 1) When using GLUT, is there a way to create a full screen application just like using DirectX? 2) Does the console window that appears when using GLUT in DEBUG mode disappear when in RELEASE mode, or does it stay there even in release mode? I know a way to remove it even in DEBUG mode, but I was wondering if it disappears by itself in RELEASEd. Thank you! ------------------------------- I'll screw up whoever screws around with the gamedev forum!
There''s a function called glutFullScreen() that will switch the application into full screen mode.

The console window stays there even in release builds, though it''s relatively simple to get rid of if you hack the library source.
i cant answer the first one.. but as for the second one, yes, the console does stay there in release
but, if you create a pure win32 app, then it should still work all the same and you wont have the console
the only difference you have to make to the code is to change the entrypoint to use WinMain
If you use windows you can put this piece below your includes.

#pragma comment(linker, "/subsystem:windows /entry:\"mainCRTStartup\"" ) // set the entry point to be main()

I should remove the console window. Else check the faq on it might have a solution.

Søren Olesen

Thank you very much guys. That helped me get the fullscreen problem solved, and the console thingy I already figure out


I'll screw up whoever screws around with the gamedev forum!


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