
using gluLookAt instead!

Started by January 18, 2005 11:39 AM
0 comments, last by vincoof 19 years, 10 months ago
Hi Everybody, How may I do the following commands with gluLookAt() glLoadIdentity(); glTranslatef(FTempoVector[0], FTempoVector[1], 0.0); glMultMatrixf(ModelviewMatrix); wglMakeCurrent(NULL, NULL); InvalidateControl(NULL); Thank you, Ali
You can simulate the effect of glTranslate with gluLookAt, but not the effect of glMultMatrix since an arbitrary matrix multiplication can be more complex than what gluLookAt can handle.
As for wgl stuff, it's simply NOT part of glu. And I don't know at all what's your InvalidateControl thingy.

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