
Sequencer with best midi support?

Started by January 14, 2005 04:55 AM
17 comments, last by joninty 19 years, 9 months ago
Quote: Original post by joninty
Reason 2.5
Doesnt have proper mapping export options. Basically everything you export gets set to 0, a piano sound!
Ableton Live 4:
Similar export options to reason.

Everyone is using virtual instruments and hardware instruments, the GM mapping is almost NEVER used. When exporting a MIDI file, it's usually for use in another project, with another instrument, which will have an entirely different mapping. It's more annoying to have to reset the mapping every time you import a MIDI (because the mapping is imported too) than just ignore all mapping in MIDI and import just the notes into the track, keeping the track's settings. It is the most user friendly way of handling project MIDI.

Now, if you want the _end result_ of your project to be MIDI, it's probably going to be pretty annoying to you, but how often does this happen?

Anyway, you can get an upgrade to Cubase SX3 from your SX2 for cheap, to solve a whole bunch of bugs and get a number of nice new features.

It's only funny 'till someone gets hurt.And then it's just hilarious.Unless it's you.
I use Sonar 3 for my sequencer, and lately I've been working on a small project for a mobile phone game. I've been able to write standard MIDI files with very little trouble, and they seem to be the standard small file size (only a few KB).
Try noteworthy composer. You can use the free trial version to produce midi's and there are no limitations. The only limitation of the trial version is printing the score sheets (it says "unregistered version" or some crap on the printout). Or you can download the full version here.
Quote: Original post by Franz Liszt
Try noteworthy composer. You can use the free trial version to produce midi's and there are no limitations. The only limitation of the trial version is printing the score sheets (it says "unregistered version" or some crap on the printout). Or you can download the full version here.

You're Fired!

- A momentary maniac with casual delusions.
Hi all,
To be honest I'm not paying steinberg the price of an upgrade just because they fixed some features that should have worked in version 1.
I find SX so cluttered and buggy that I glady would never use it again if I didnt have to do GM work.

They should take note from people like propellerheads software who simply dont release a product untill its almost 100% stable, functional and bug free.
Reason is a total joy to work with.

Anyway with much messing about I got all the midis exported from cubase SX.
The main problem is the size. If I export without pressed export sends the file is small but the drum sounds are wrong. (They just play as piano but all the data is there).

If I export with sends all the sounds are perfect but the size is about twice as much.

Anyone know why this is? I mean its the same data in both files apart from the drum mapping???

Reason is awesome, but it doesn't provide audio recording. I use Reason with Cubase through ReWire. I've been trying to reproduce your problem and have not been able to. I didn't forget about you. :) After searching a bit I found that it could be something to do with your ASIO drivers. Do you have the latest version of your sound card's ASIO driver?
Anthony Rufrano
RealityFactory 2 Programmer
There is nothing wrong with the sequencers you mentioned. I use my Cubase, Reason, Sonar, Ableton Live, and they're perfectly fine. I don't recall that you can compose midi in Acid 4.0 though...

The problem is the mobile phone's sound chip interperating the midi signals into different sound because they are different from PC's; sometimes different from other mobile phones. What you need is a sequencer that can simulate the sounds from the phones.

I suggest you grab one of these and try it out.
Yamaha mobile audio synthesizer

I "think" MA-5 have a compress function that let's you compress midi into smaller size like phone's c-midi too.
Hell, just use Cakewalk Pro Audio 9 or any other Cakewalk program from before that. I haven't used Sonar or anythign but I know all the versions of Cakewalk before it are straight up MIDI Sequencing programs. If you fuck up a MIDI with those versions of cakewalk then it's you causing the problem.
the MA-5 compression sounds perfect.
You cant download it from the link there.
I'll have a look around for a copy

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