
Release for Linux, or why I don't like GPL zealots

Started by January 04, 2005 10:20 PM
225 comments, last by Yann L 19 years, 6 months ago
Quote: Original post by C-Junkie
Yann, I'm not sure if gnome is going to like having gtk 2.6 dumped onto it.

Uhm, well, no it doesn't seem to like it too much... *pokes at the gnome* Actually, it seems pretty dead right now [wink]


Quote: Original post by C-Junkie
You might have to try out some gnome 2.9 development packages if you need the newest gtk. Gnome 2.10 comes out in feburary, anyway, so unless you were planning on releasing before then, it's not that bad of a target... (and the API/ABI freeze happens monday)

Do you really need gtk2.6? The only nice feature I'm looking for is that they moved this nice FileEntry widget from gnomeui to gtk.

Well, it is supposed to fix a few bugs. And I want that GtkCellRendererCombo widget, which is 2.6+ only. I need it to include dropdown selections within a list. Prior to 2.6, only buttons and checkboxes are supported, and I don't know how we're going to add a multiple choice selection with these elements.

I tried including the widget directly in my code, deriving from the GtkCellRenderer base, but it segfaults. *sigh*

That was infact the first thing to go after I installed VS.Net03, it was a nice idea but I noticed it had a tendancy to crapout every now and then, and personally I prefer have a 'previous projects' submenu on the File menu with the last 20 or so projects I've loaded.

Well, I hope that it won't crap out on our IDE ;) I can always add an additional "recent projects" submenu, I guess I can invest these 2 minutes to make a (non-paying) customer happy [grin]
Yann --

Just a couple suggestions [grin]

  • For the source code tabs, there really ought to be a close button, either a single one for the current tab, or one on each tab (prefer former).

  • It's impossible to tell from the screenshot, but it'd be really nice if the side and bottom panels could auto-hide, same as in VS 2k3. Docking would be cool too, I guess, but not that important.

  • Again, impossible to tell from the screenshot, but Ctrl-Tab functionality to switch code tab would be nice, VC6 style. I don't like VC8 Express' more complex Ctrl-Tab window only because it's slower.

  • Tabs can be dragged around to be reordered, and also tabs should have z-order seperate from tab order.

SlimDX | Ventspace Blog | Twitter | Diverse teams make better games. I am currently hiring capable C++ engine developers in Baltimore, MD.
Quote: Original post by Promit
For the source code tabs, there really ought to be a close button, either a single one for the current tab, or one on each tab (prefer former).

Already done (one close button per active tab). Gtk doesn't support that directly, so we had to workaround a little.

Quote: Original post by Promit
It's impossible to tell from the screenshot, but it'd be really nice if the side and bottom panels could auto-hide, same as in VS 2k3. Docking would be cool too, I guess, but not that important.

They can autohide. Docking was briefly discussed, but is on low priority right now.

Quote: Original post by Promit
Again, impossible to tell from the screenshot, but Ctrl-Tab functionality to switch code tab would be nice, VC6 style.

I don't have vc6; please explain.

Tabs can be dragged around to be reordered, and also tabs should have z-order seperate from tab order.

They can be reordered by dragging. Explain the z-order vs. order issue ?
Few of you have pointed out that the emacs really lacks support for things like intellisense and pals.. no more.. CEDET provides intellisense and lot's of other features you expect to find from a decent IDE.

And no.. I don't enjoy using emacs (actually I haven't tried it that much, kdevelop is more to my liking), but just happened to notice the CEDET project..
Screenshot looks really promising, and as I'm developing game that eventually will be build on Linux systems, I would be really glad to use good, stable and easy to use IDE. Currently on Windows I'm using DevCpp, it's ok and could be even said it's very good IDe, if it onlu:

1. would be much more stable, in latest version I get at least 2-3 h/h (new SI unit: hangs per hour ;-))
2. would be cross platform; now it's only win, and although Linux version is going to appear one day (using Kylix), it won't be available soon...

Ok, so Yann, you said your IDE it's very stable; that's great, 1. requirement is already met :-) But what about second one? I don't remember seeing you mention it anywhere in this thread, though I read all those posts... being cross platform would give you serious advantage over VS, DevCpp, KDevelop and all other IDE's that are restricted to win or *nix systems.
Quote: Original post by Yann L
Well, I hope that it won't crap out on our IDE ;) I can always add an additional "recent projects" submenu, I guess I can invest these 2 minutes to make a (non-paying) customer happy [grin]

hehe, the cheque is in the mail [wink]
Quote: Original post by Koshmaar
Screenshot looks really promising, and as I'm developing game that eventually will be build on Linux systems, I would be really glad to use good, stable and easy to use IDE. Currently on Windows I'm using DevCpp, it's ok and could be even said it's very good IDe, if it onlu:

1. would be much more stable, in latest version I get at least 2-3 h/h (new SI unit: hangs per hour ;-))
2. would be cross platform; now it's only win, and although Linux version is going to appear one day (using Kylix), it won't be available soon...

Ok, so Yann, you said your IDE it's very stable; that's great, 1. requirement is already met :-) But what about second one? I don't remember seeing you mention it anywhere in this thread, though I read all those posts... being cross platform would give you serious advantage over VS, DevCpp, KDevelop and all other IDE's that are restricted to win or *nix systems.

Should be possible since he is using GTK right ? :o <-- you know you wanna see my 2D Engine which supports DirectX and OpenGL or insert your renderer here :)
Quote: Original post by Yann L
Quote: Original post by Promit
Again, impossible to tell from the screenshot, but Ctrl-Tab functionality to switch code tab would be nice, VC6 style.

I don't have vc6; please explain.

Basically, you hit Ctrl-Tab, and it switches to the next tab in the Z order, sliding the current one just under it...

They can be reordered by dragging. Explain the z-order vs. order issue ?

Let's say we have 3 tabs open, named A.cpp, B.cpp, and C.cpp, in that order from left to right, and A.cpp is the active tab. Atm, the Z order is A, B, C. If I switch to C.cpp, the order of tabs is the same, but the Z order is C, A, B. If I were to close C, A would become the active tab, not B. If I hit Ctrl Tab, A would become the active tab and the Z order would be A, C, B.
SlimDX | Ventspace Blog | Twitter | Diverse teams make better games. I am currently hiring capable C++ engine developers in Baltimore, MD.
Success ! I finally managed to install GTK 2.6 on my gnome system. Unfortunately, the Gtk widget in question still doesn't work as expected, and the documentation is less than helpful in this regard. We are going to go by trial and error, I'm afraid. But well, at least 2.6 works.

Promit: OK, I'll look into this.

About porting it to Windows, it should be possible using Win-GTK.
Just an OT idea: open a new topic for the IDE discussion. Right now, the conversation really has potential, but there is a grave danger that it's being taken over from replies to posts on the first 2 or 3 pages. A thread with the current topic is just too good a flamebait to pass on.

This topic is closed to new replies.
