
How to program a chess: a forum based tutorial

Started by December 23, 2004 11:09 PM
276 comments, last by da_grat1 19 years, 11 months ago
Its time to make some time ;)

So what exactly is a clock and what is it for? Let me answer that with a question. Have you ever programmed a demo that you thought was flawless and then run it on a faster computer only to have your jaw drop? This is because the duration between frames in a program (in our case the time it takes for our main while loop to repeat itself) is different from pc to pc. It can also change drastically while the program is running (ie when you break the program for debug). The clock we design will hopefully solve our update problems by providing a constant time reference for every frame.

If your familiar with nehe's basecode you'll notice that time is kept in an update function by a millisecond counter. Why change? A few reasons. The clock subsystem should address these issues, and once done you should be able to reuse the clock for any further project you do...exceptional cases like mmorpgs outstanding...

The structure of a clocking subsystem is fairly simple. There is one main counter for the entire game called the game clock. You then create timer classes that use the game clock's values to update their own counters. I usually stick with two types of timers, the forward timer and the count down timer. Why do we need timers when we can use the game clock for everything? Two reasons. First reason: timers reduce code duplication. There are going to be situations when you are going to want to know (or only care about) the time from or to a given point in time. Solution: the forward and count down timers. Second reason: independent time control. This way you can pause certain parts of your game without affecting others. For example, you can pause the animation in the chess game and still have your camera animate freely.

At any point in the game you can run into an incredibly long frame. This can be caused by a number of reasons like disk access or breaking the execution of the game. You are going to want to intercept these artifacts in the game clock. The simplest solution is to put a cap on how long a given frame can last. A good cap is 200-300 ms, which is about 3-5 frames per second.

The last issue to deal with when designing a clock is precision. Nehe's basecode uses integers to store the number of milliseconds that have elapsed between frames. While this is handy for demos, games tend to need more precision. Heres why:
- at 60 frames per second one frame lasts 16.66667 milliseconds,
which cant be represented by integers
- its hard to use ints when dealing with physics and animation
- ints can only store about 50 days worth of updates
While floats seem like the obvious choice, they tend to loose prevision very quickly (because you are continuously adding to them). After about five hours, they become less precise than ints. The only scalable solution is a double.

Implementation details:
Game clock:
- I recommend using a set of functions.
- The clock needs initialization, de-initialization, and update functions.
- When you call the update function (at the start of every frame), the
game clock queries the operating system for the current time.
- The only other function the game clock should have is one that lets you
query for the current time in a frame.
- Search the MSDN ( for details on using a precision
- You may not want to expose the game clock globally. Not doing so enforces
the use of your timer classes.
Forward timer:
- I recommend using a class
- The forward timer keeps track of time from a given point
- That point which can either be supplied by the creator or grabbed from
the game clock at the time of creation.
Count-down timer:
- I recommend using a class
- The count down timer accepts a duration from which to start counting.
- You should be able to query the timer for the remaining time.
- You should also be able to query the timer for a bool indicating if the
time is up.

...and that’s it :) Now you should be ready to implement a full blown timing subsystem of your own. Next we will start chipping away at our resource manager. In particular, we will tackle a sound wrapper that uses fmod ( you guys want to use OpenAL?

Will post later,
- llvllatrix
The last issue to deal with when designing a clock is precision. Nehe's basecode uses integers to store the number of milliseconds that have elapsed between frames. While this is handy for demos, games tend to need more precision. Heres why:
- at 60 frames per second one frame lasts 16.66667 milliseconds,
which cant be represented by integers
- its hard to use ints when dealing with physics and animation
- ints can only store about 50 days worth of updates
While floats seem like the obvious choice, they tend to loose prevision very quickly (because you are continuously adding to them). After about five hours, they become less precise than ints. The only scalable solution is a double.

Wow I learn many things here... I am such a newbie.. :)
Hey guys,

I decided to implement the subsystems we've been discussing. It would be neat if we did a series of tutorials where we used our engine to do more and more complex games...just and idea :) Anyway, heres my implementation of the context manager:

#ifndef __CNTX_MAN_CONTEXT_MANAGER_H__#define __CNTX_MAN_CONTEXT_MANAGER_H__//----------------------------------------------------------------------------////cntx_man_context_manager.h////Copyright © Rishi Ramraj, 2004// A context can be either the main screen, the game screen, the menu or the // console. When no contexts exist on the context stack the game is over.//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//··········································································////    header :: Inclusions//··········································································////··········································································////    header :: Definitions//··········································································////··········································································////    header :: Structures//··········································································////··········································································////    header :: Class Defs//··········································································////··········································································////    header :: Function Defs//··········································································//// cntx_man_is_context_on_stack// Returns true if there are any contexts on the context stack, false otherwise.// When no contexts exist on the context stack the game is over.bool cntx_man_contexts_are_on_stack();// cntx_man_push_context// Creates a new context and adds it to the top of the context stack. Returns a // unique id (thanks shadowwz :) ), cntx_id, of the context  cntx_man_push_context();// cntx_man_pop_context// Pops the context specified by cntx_id off the context stack and returns true// on success. If the context specified is not on the top of the stack then it // is not popped and false is returned.bool cntx_man_pop_context(int cntx_id);// cntx_man_is_context_in_focus// Returns true if the specified context is on the top of the context stack,// false otherwise.bool cntx_man_is_context_in_focus(int cntx_id);//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//cntx_man_context_manager.h//Copyright © Rishi Ramraj, 2004//----------------------------------------------------------------------------#endif //__CNTX_MAN_CONTEXT_MANAGER_H__

//----------------------------------------------------------------------------////cntx_man_context_manager.cpp////Copyright © Rishi Ramraj, 2004//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//··········································································////    Source :: Inclusions//··········································································//#include <vector>using namespace std;#include "cntx_man_context_manager.h"//··········································································////    Source :: Definitions//··········································································//typedef vector<int> context_vector;typedef context_vector::iterator context_iterator;//··········································································////    Source :: Structures//··········································································////··········································································////    Source :: Class Defs//··········································································////··········································································////    Source :: Private Function Defs//··········································································////··········································································////    Source :: Private Vars//··········································································//// uid = unique id// uids start counting from 1, not 0int context_uid_counter = 0;// The end of the stack maps to its topcontext_vector context_stack;//··········································································////    Source :: External Function Implementation//··········································································//// cntx_man_is_context_on_stack// Returns true if there are any contexts on the context stack, false otherwise.// When no contexts exist on the context stack the game is over.bool cntx_man_contexts_are_on_stack(){	//Returns true if the size of the stack is not zero	return !context_stack.empty();}// cntx_man_push_context// Creates a new context and adds it to the top of the context stack. Returns a // unique id (thanks shadowwz :) ), cntx_id, of the context  cntx_man_push_context(){	// Increment the uid counter to get a new unique id	context_uid_counter++;	// Push the current context uid onto the stack	context_stack.push_back(context_uid_counter);	// Return the uid	return context_uid_counter;}// cntx_man_pop_context// Pops the context specified by cntx_id off the context stack and returns true// on success. If the context specified is not on the top of the stack then it // is not popped and false is returned.bool cntx_man_pop_context(int cntx_id){	// If the passed id is not in focus then the context cannot be popped	// because there are other contexts above it that need to be popped first.	if(!cntx_man_is_context_in_focus(cntx_id))		return false;	// pop the passed context off the end of the stack and return successfully.	context_stack.pop_back();	return true;}// cntx_man_is_context_in_focus// Returns true if the specified context is on the top of the context stack,// false otherwise.bool cntx_man_is_context_in_focus(int cntx_id){	// If the last entry in the stack equals the specified id then return true.	return context_stack[context_stack.size() - 1] == cntx_id;}//··········································································////    Source :: External Class Implementation//··········································································////··········································································////    Source :: Internal Function Implementation//··········································································////··········································································////    Source :: Internal Class Implementation//··········································································////----------------------------------------------------------------------------//cntx_man_context_manager.cpp//Copyright © Rishi Ramraj, 2004//----------------------------------------------------------------------------

lol, I decided to change the abbreviation of the subsystem as per Enigma's suggestion :) I did a bit of testing and things seem to be functioning properly, but if you have any free time a quick unit test would be awesome :D (Its always best to catch bugs asap). If you have any questions, concerns, comments or querys feel free to post. Next, I'll implement our clock and get things ready for our sound loading module.

Will post later,
- llvllatrix
Original post by llvllatrix
int context_uid_counter = 0;//  cntx_man_push_context(){	// Increment the uid counter to get a new unique id	context_uid_counter++;	// Push the current context uid onto the stack	context_stack.push_back(context_uid_counter);	// Return the uid	return context_uid_counter;}

If the context_uid_counter is only supposed to be used by one function it would probably be better to encapsulate it within that function:
int cntx_man_push_context(){	static int context_uid_counter = 0;	// Increment the uid counter to get a new unique id	context_uid_counter++;	if (context_uid_counter < 0)	{		throw std::overflow_error("context_uid_counter");	}	// Push the current context uid onto the stack	context_stack.push_back(context_uid_counter);	// Return the uid	return context_uid_counter;}

I also added a check for overflow.
bool cntx_man_is_context_in_focus(int cntx_id){	// If the last entry in the stack equals the specified id then return true.	return context_stack[context_stack.size() - 1] == cntx_id;}

Consider what would happen if you tried to pop the last context twice.
bool cntx_man_is_context_in_focus(int cntx_id){	// If the last entry in the stack equals the specified id then return true.	return cntx_man_contexts_are_on_stack() && context_stack.back() == cntx_id;}

// The end of the stack maps to its topcontext_vector context_stack;

...should be...

// The end of the stack maps to its topstatic context_vector context_stack;


Consider what would happen if you tried to pop the last context twice.

Never thought of that...thx Enigma :) Do you know if most systems support performance timers?

Is it possible to run the code already...
when i tried to build it, this error came out..

LIBCD.lib(crt0.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _main
Debug/cntx_man_context_manager.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
Error executing link.exe.

What should I do...what should i do >_<
Hey Guys,

Busy at the moment but I should have time for a short post.

If you've never seen a declaration like vector<int> then your missing out on a fairly big part of c++, namely templates. I recommend researching the STL or Standard Template Library. This library provides you with a bunch of useful programming structures like linked lists (called vectors) all the way up to databasing structures. If you like what you see in the STL you can also research templates to create your own (kinda like containers for your classes).

While programming the clock I discovered two subsystems that we should probably have in our engine. First is the inc_ or inclusion subsystem. This subsystems lets us include things like opengl, windows, and fmod. Why not just include them in our cpp files? In the case of opengl and fmod, we want to link to .lib files when compiling. Having the preprocessor declarations in a centralized header means that everything else that uses this header will naturally use the right declarations (same principle behind using a const). The reason we have windows.h in its own header is exposure. Someone else may want to port our code, and having windows exposed in inc_os_system_sdk.h makes is very easy to find and subsequently change every where else.

The second subsystem I discovered is an error reporting subsystem. If anything wrong happens, we're going to want to report it to either the user or the developer. There are several ways of reporting an error, depending on its severity. If, for example, you cant load a particular sound then the game can continue and all you really need to do is use the games menu system to report the error. On the other hand if the error occurs early in the initialization then we're going to have to use windows to report the errors because our display system has not been loaded. Errors like this usually mean that something very wrong has happened and the game cant run (ie no performance timer). This is the kind of error we're going to have to deal with now because we are currently developing the lower level systems.

There are a few issues to work around when dealing with errors at this level. lol, in my first engine I made the mistake of thinking that it was as simple as calling a message box when an error occurred. While this is fine before you start OpenGL, it can be cumbersome afterwards to say the least. For example, say you have already switched to full screen and an error occurred, what would happen if you called a message box and then tried to de-initialize? Your program would be minimized to let the message box display and then your system would try to destroy the window. In the best case scenario things would be ok or your desktops properties would be messed up. In the worst scenario you may end up crashing windows. So we have to de-initialize first and then tell the user that something wrong happened.

The way this is typically done is by passing the error to higher and higher layers of execution. For example, if a function init called init_clock and init_clock failed it would tell init what the error was and hopefully init would do something about it (and tell the user). Unfortunately, this style of system has several problems:

1. A lower level system never has any guarantee that the higher level system
will do anything about the error.
2. Multiple occurrences of the same error could be reported. For example, say an
error occurs with init_clock and it posts an error to the user. The init
function also notices that init_clock fails and reports this to the user.
Then the start_game function notes that init fails and reports this error as
well. 3 errors are reported when we really only want one.
3. The higher the error gets passed the more general the report becomes. For
example, if the init function from the previous example was called by a
function called start_game then the following might occur. init_clock fails,
which causes init to fail. init reports its failure to start_game but
start_game cannot tell that it was the init_clock part of init that failed.
start_game's functionality really only cares that init failed.
4. A subsequent problem of the previous is that errors are not reported where
they occur. This is important feature when you debug your program because
the closer the error report is to the problem, the easier it is to search
your code for the failure.

I propose a system that will let us post our errors where they occur and store them until it is safe to display the errors to the user. The main problem this approach solves is #3 and by extension #4. We can easily get detailed information and if we design the system correctly we can also produce debug and release error messages (so that we can display a general message to the user and a technical one to the developer). This still does not solve #1 or #2 but it does help. For problem 2, we can state that as a general policy, errors should be reported only where they occur at the bottom level and no where else. This way the only error we get reported is the one that caused the crashed. #1 is a tricky problem to solve because there is no way around having the higher level post the error. The higher levels of a program are responsible for reacting to a failure. That said, they must first de-initialize the system and then post the errors (as we discussed). The advantage that our error posting subsystem affords us is that it centralizes our error posts to one function (as apposed to a distribution of error posts throughout the program). This sort of error posting system does have its drawbacks however. There may be situations, for example, where you are going to have to call our error posting function more than once in different parts of our program. I think we will be able to deal with these problems as they occur. That said, I think this system is worth a shot. Can you guys think of any other problems with this system? (I love this thread; its like having one massive code review session :) )

Anyway, I'm off to implement this system and then the clock. I'll also try to get the sound loading subsystem up and running for the next post.

Will post later,
- llvllatrix


Is it possible to run the code already...
when i tried to build it, this error came out..

LIBCD.lib(crt0.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _main
Debug/cntx_man_context_manager.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
Error executing link.exe.

What should I do...what should i do >_<

Not yet. You can include the files in your console basecode, however, and do unit tests on it to make sure it can run. I'll post my source tree to let you take a look at what a unit test looks like :)

The error you get means that there is no int main(void) function.
I put inside my basecode already... Seems like no problem :)
It would be neat if we did a series of tutorials where we used our engine to do more and more complex games...just and idea :)

That sounds cool, I like that idea.

Also will you be posting the code for the project as you go along, not just little bits and pieces??

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