
Where can I get Unix?

Started by December 22, 2004 06:42 PM
13 comments, last by randomZ 20 years, 1 month ago
Original post by falkone
Original post by Kuladus
Parental Blockage?

List of naughty words:


Maybe it's a hacker thing? Or maybe he's trying to download Linux from pr0n sites? Dunno..

A lampix distro with a porn site on it sounds very tempting!
Original post by Dmen_Ken
Where can I get Unix?

If you can it would be helpful if you could give the FTP.

Assuming you mean Linux, you might want to try out a Live CD first to see what you think. I recently tried the Suse 9.2 Linux distribution and found it very good; full of useful well integrated desktop software, polished, easy to use and great GUI configuration tools so you never have to touch the command prompt. Just download the iso image, burn it to CD then boot from it. It will load everything it needs from the CD and stores things in memory so it won't alter your hard drive in any way. I find live cds a nice way to introduce people to Linux, assuming you didn't actually mean Unix. :)
I thought proper UNIX was a bit much for the home user. My friend did his work experience at Rolls-Royce, and they use UNIX for the really serious heavy hardcore test data and that sort of thing.

I'd say get a UNIX-based OS instead, like Linux or MacOS.
Try ubuntu, it's very user friendly.
---Just trying to be helpful.Sebastian Beschke

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