I know this isn't a good direction at all, but this thread wasn't really gathering replies so what the hell..
Quote:Original post by Garmichael My post had more than one point. first, i gave you an example of what not to do, to make sure that you get that concept. |
Heh, that really made it sure. You had no argument, just a statement. It's not going to help anyone.
Quote:Then, I gave a suggestion to help you not do that. |
This is what I mentioned as your only point.
Quote:Then, I gave an opinion about your games style specifically |
"I dont know"
Quote:and then remade my point to do the research. |
And this was a repeat.
Quote:You missed the point of my post, and you missed the details. |
Nope, but you're somehow in the illusion that your message actually had more content than it did. I even specifically replied that "you do have a point" when you said I need to do research, so what is this mysterious point you are now referring to, that I missed? Above you also reiterated that the point was to do research, and the other stuff was clearly pointless: "I don't know", "Here's a smart ass comment" and "Here's a blanket statement". I'm soo sorry I didn't reply to all these in great detail, because they sure deserved it. You also suggested reading Dali's interviews and his explanations, and it was a good idea, but I had nothing to add to it.
Quote:Then, you admit that you didnt get the point of the anonomous poster's post, when its perfectly clear. |
After seeing your reply, I'm getting more and more confident in that I did get all his points. Besides, I didn't "admit" anything like that. Again you're misinterpreting what I write.
Quote:He wrote a really good post with some pretty good information and advice. |
Some of it was good indeed. But should I constantly be congratulating him for it? I agreed with some of the main points he made, and expanded on the points I didn't agree with. Just replying "I agree" to every minor detail would be fruitless.
Quote:You nitpicked it, replying to good points with things like: |
I only took it to my viewpoint, how what he said measures with my game. The fact that I have no story leaves the idea that visuals should reflect the story, completely irrelevant from my point of view.
Quote:Did you even READ what he said? |
Yes, and I registered it. Should I nod to every single thing that I agree with, especially when the point is not really in my interest? Is it so troublesome to you that I concentrate on things that I don't agree with? I think the problem is that you interpret my replies wrong, like if I don't touch some subject then I missed it. If I bothered saying something to everything that has no controversy, the reply sizes would blow to incomprehensible proportions.
Quote:Open yourself up for the critisism instead of getting really defencive about it. |
If you take all disagreement as defending and all defending as negative, there isn't much left to say about a reply with so many subjective views.
I think this is a cultural clash. On the other side we have an American smalltalker who thinks the other person is rude and not following if he doesn't constantly say "I see". And on the other corner there's this nordic person who listens to what others say, quietly, and mostly opens his mouth when he disagrees or has something to add.
[Edited by - civguy on December 11, 2004 11:55:19 AM]