
Help configuring wireless adsl!

Started by December 01, 2004 07:17 AM
8 comments, last by flukus 19 years, 9 months ago
I have a wireless router set up and my adsl line was just connected and everything works well under windows. In linux I can connect to the network/router fine but I can't connect to the outside world properly. I've gotten a couple of websites to load up, at least partially but now I'm getting nothing (which could be a dns server problem?). Can anyone help, or at least point me in the right direction (google didnt' help much with "wireless linux adsl"), and I have no idea what to refine it too. In the mean time i'll be off dowloading some high speed porn :)
You can connect to the network/router fine, well that means that your Windows/Linux settings are fine.
You probably haven't configured your router to give your Linux machine access to the outside world. Check around your router settings I gues...

Quote: In the mean time i'll be off dowloading some high speed porn :)

Not in Linux [wink]
Well, it's the same machine so I doubt it's the router settings, i'll take another look through them anyway though!

edit - could I have broken something while I was playing around attempting to get wireless encryption working?
Quote: Original post by flukus
Well, it's the same machine so I doubt it's the router settings, i'll take another look through them anyway though!

edit - could I have broken something while I was playing around attempting to get wireless encryption working?

WEP? Hmm, that could be it. You possibly changed or set the WEP key, if you have did that, then you must also change your Linux wireless settings to use the same WEP key.
Ok, I've been working on this for the last few days and this is as much as I've leanred (most of this I copied from my post on mepis lovers)(I'm using simplyMepis btw):

I did some more research and found out that I'm using a DWL-520+, which is different from a 520 and based off a different chipset (TI).

I do have a 520 from another computer which I haven't got around to setting up yet (a P166, 64MB RAM presents it's own issues ;) ) and i tried sticking that in.

With my hard drive install I got a message along the lines of "invalid header, ignoring") so I used the live cd which recognised it and let me try to start ath0, which faIled but I'm getting somewhere at least.

so a few questions:

1. Any idea on why it would be failing (I have the ESSID set and have reset to factory settings then reconfigured? I also have encryption off.

3. Should I take the g520+ card back (how hard is it to setup a TI card?)? I did ask the salesman if it worked with linux and he said I should have no problems.

Ok, I've got the normal 520 (no '+') in and it's working with my hard drive install. I can connect to the router through eth0 but can't reach the internet and with ath0 I cant make a connection.

I noticed that in dmesg I get this message:

ath0: association failed (reason 1) for 00:0f:3d:9e:47:9c
ath0: association failed (reason 1) for 00:0f:3d:9e:47:9c
ath0: no IPv6 routers present

Could this be the cause of the errors? How do I enable IP6?

Too think I went with a wireless network because it would be easier than running wires around the house :(
I have no clue about the different kind of chipsets they are using, but I think it should not matter getting a connection with the router because the protocol is the same (I think).

No IPv6 routers present?? Hmm that's weird. If your router can't use IPv6, then you have to use IPv4 on ath0. Don't ask me how since I'm pretty much a n00b in Linux [razz]
I've given up on the wireless cards I'll take them back tommorow, as for the IP6 thing, it's a problem (unknown?) with that particular version of mepis (simplyMepis-03), ethernet works with everything esle (dsl, mepis 2004 b05). I'm currently downloading simplyMepis 04 (there goes my download limit) to see if that fixes things.
So the router not supporting IP6 may have been the problem all along? Shouldn't IP6 support be pretty much stock standard?
It's defineately the IPv6 thing, I tried booting the 2.4 kernel and everything works fine (and the IPv6 module isn't loaded).

So how do I turn off IP6, I've tried removing the module (when eth0 was not running) and it says something is currently using it. Is there anyway to see what is using it? When I lsmod it has a 3 next to it.
Just to make matters more complicated, apt-get now refuses to work, I'm getting the errors:

Ign file: testing/main Release
Err testing/non-US/main Packages
Could not connect to (, connection timed out

At the same time I can retrieve web pages fine. I'm thinking of returning the router anyway, their "configure with any web browser" was obviously no thoroughly tested outside of IE (Am unable to set filters etc with anything else).

Anyone have any advice on the matter? I wish I had stuck with dialup!

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