
Turn based combat possible in MMORPG?

Started by November 23, 2004 10:24 AM
24 comments, last by hplus0603 20 years, 2 months ago
I used to play freeciv (Civilization) and in there they had a half real-time half turn-based system. If you just played the computer, they always went first, but against other players what would happen is that everyone would go at the same time, using up their ability to move and act for each unit, etc., and then the game was effectively locked until every player had clicked their End Turn button, which started the next turn.

I'm not if it's applicable, but I thought it was interesting. The choice to go first or last in a round was up to how fast I reacted, however everyone got a equal amount of turns. In an MMORPG, figuring out who's part of a battle would be the main issue. From there its just timing how long from the top of the round anyone has to wait before their allowed to act (like, imagine a theif having a 0 wait time, while a Knight has to wait 4 seconds before he can act). Then, hold off the next turn until everyone has chosen the End Turn option.
william bubel
Yes, I figure the key thing with having real-time battle in MMORPGs is just that time can't be stopped. That alone can be worked around as people have posted. What I figure the main problem to be, is that each battle will take very different amounts of time to complete, depending on how quickly the players chose to execute their turns. If you're into gathering experience points by fighting other players, an opponent being very slow at hitting their "end turn button" can lead to frustration. Of course one would have to put time limits in, but it can make for a slow game overall. But I guess if the majority or all fighting in the game is against NPCs, then I guess it doesn't matter if the player is a slow player. He'll just be gathering experience points slower at no one else's expense.

That's the dead end I always reach in thinking up a turn based multiplayer game. If the game is to be truly turnbased, each player should have a good amount of time to execute their moves and strategies. That's why I feel that a truly multiplayer game in an ongoing world doesn't seem like a good idea. That's why games like Lasersquad are played via email. But even there they have rankings, which in the end is based on how many battles you can play at once and how quickly. There's just not much fun to be had sitting around waiting for the other players to finish their turn.

Going for something hybrid can work as suggested here. Personally though, I prefer either having true turned based battles, or fully real-time ones.
Well, the big reasons for avoiding turn-based combat is that when it comes time to balance weapons, it's almost impossible to do it realistically. Everyone will be choosing either the best 1h weapon so they can use a shield or (more likely) a big 2-handed weapon. Daggers, rapiers and other 'fast' 1 handed weapons would fall to the wayside.

Weapon balance needs to be taken into account. Allowing someone with a big 2-handed axe the same number of attacks as someone with a rapier, which can usually attack several times before the 2-handed axe wielder can make a single attack and recover (that's a lot of mass to swing and get back to where you can start your attack again) is nothing if not unfair and unrealistic.

While you could just allow faster weapons more attacks per round, it's easier to just put the weapons on timers, where they get to attack every x number of pulses (usually tenths of a second or something similar).
I personally hate realtime combat in RPGs, I find it reduces the the game to nothing more then how fast can you press the hit with stick button. I'd much rather play a turn based game that includes a time element into its structure. Such as each action takes X time units to peform so if I want to cast super fireball of death which takes 15 time units then I have deal with the fact that it only takes 2 time units for my opponent to stab with dagger and I'll be hit 7 times before I can cast my spell.
anyone played Lufia 2: Raise of the sinitrals?
That was the first turn based RPG that Ive ever played, and I was sooo addicted to that game :P

I realy liked it's combat, just say if you want to do a normal atk, use a spell, an item, defend or run away etc. Just select it for all you're party members. Than your party members attack 1 by 1, the person/monsters with the highest speed first..

I always loved to see that in a rpg but never saw it :(
Ofcourse you can't make it 100% the same becuase otherwise you're gonna have ppl that are just not selecting a move and the other will need to wait.. but for this you should add a timer: nothing selected? Than you'll defend automaticly (you get less damage from his atk).

When fighting with someone you're just standing still, and other ppl will see you two stand next to eachother with a fighting icon on it, tand they should be able to join the fight, they can choose wich side.

If I'm ever able to create 2d mmorpgs I'm gonna make one with what I described above. Don't care if others like it, only make it to play it myself :P

Regarding rapier vs. broadsword, maybe the broadsword uses more stamina, and you have to recover stamina to use it again. Thus, rapiers would let you hit more often.

Also, I think there are two meanings of the word "turn based." One is that there isn't an immediate feedback, and you can change your mind for a little while after giving a command, but turns end after some pre-determined amount of time (10-15 seconds). The other is that you can wait for hours before the next turn happens, if you so choose. I think we agree the second just can't work in an MMORPG, unless you only ever fight alone. The first one, I think we all agree CAN work (and, in fact, most MMORPGs have something like this at the bottom, although they attempt to hide it).
enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };

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