
No 3D Enbabled... How do I enable?

Started by November 22, 2004 12:01 PM
3 comments, last by C-Junkie 19 years, 10 months ago
My graphics card is an Intel 845, 64mb of shared ram. When I try to play a game, no matter what it is, it's slower than ever. I used a command from another website, something like glxinfo, and Direct Rendering = No! How do I enable it?
Intel Download Finder for 82845

Look there. There may also be third-party drivers available. You need the appropriate kernel. You also need to make sure that the "glx" and "dri" modules are enabled in your X11 configuration. This may help..
Free Mac Mini (I know, I'm a tool)
Your distribution stinks and should have set it up for you, perhaps with just a bit of help.

Nobody should have to deal with all the kernel and drivers and modules crap, it should happen by itself.
Your distribution stinks and should have set it up for you, perhaps with just a bit of help.

Nobody should have to deal with all the kernel and drivers and modules crap, it should happen by itself.

You, sir, have won the 'stupidest statement of the year' contest. Congratulations! It's not the distros fault for not automatically detecting stuff, it's the users fault for not picking the right distro.

Back on topic, you need to make sure dri and glx are enabled in XF86Config(-4) or xorg.conf depending on whether you're using xfree or xorg. You should also check whether you need to get special drivers for your video card.
Quote: Original post by bytecoder
It's not the distros fault for not automatically detecting stuff, it's the users fault for not picking the right distro.
So, "you are using a crappy distro" doesn't imply "use a different one?"

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