Implicit casting
First thx for the hard work you made until now, very impressed with the release rate you run :) !
- My request here would be for implicit conversion between types whenever possible. For example, having to cast between int and uint by hand is very annoying (for me at least). Today, the only way I found to resolve it is to declare several prototypes for each function (ex: 'int GetValue()' and 'uint GetValue()' :(. Am I missing something ?
In C, you can assign without warning (maybe depending on compiler/warning level ? tested on level 4 under VC6) :
uint = sint
sint = uint
It only display a warning when you try to compare values. ex:
if( uint > sint ) // warning : signed/unsigned mismatch
I think you're right to prevent user from conversion, but couldn't it warnings instead of errors (maybe with options to select between warning and error) ?
- Also, it could be great to use expression such as 'if( ptr )' instead of 'if( ptr != 0 )'.
- Last thing, I recently tried to use bits type, but encountered some problems (mainly related to cast too) :
can't succeeded to write :
bits mask;
if( mask & 1 ) // report cast problem, need to write if( mask & bits(1) )
Why did you add this type (bits) ? why can't we just use bitwise operators on int family types like in C ?
In fact, I've a function which returns an int value. What I wanted to do (more accurately what a user of my tool wanted to do) is to interpret this return value as a bit mask. So he wanted to write something like :
int nValue = GetValue();
if( nValue & 1 )
else if( nValue & 2 )
After some tries, I suggested him :
bits xValue = bits( GetValue() );
if( (xValue & bits(1)) != bits(0) )
else if( (xValue & bits(2)) != bits(0) )
but it's not intuitive for a C coder in my opinion...
Well, don't think I'm an angry man and I hope I'm not too unpleasant with these remarks. As I'm very pleased on using AS, I only want to suggest improvements, especially to be the more C/C++ compilant as possible.
Thanks for your attention,
I have good news for you [smile]. I was already planning on making the implicit casting much more like C++ for version 1.10.1.
- It will be possible to assign an uint to int variable, and vice versa. (Maybe with a warning)
- Although I often use if( ptr ) instead of if( ptr != 0 ) I'm not sure I will implement this implicit cast for AngelScript.
- The bits type was introduced to allow a conversion between float and int without actually modifying the bits. int(bits(float(x))) is not the same as int(float(x)).
With the improved implicit conversions planned for 1.10.1 it will be possible to do bitwise operations on integers.
Instead of writing (xValue & bits(1)), you could write (xValue & 0x1).
- I've found that AngelScript is moving more towards Java than it is towards C++. AS 2 (currently being designed) will remove the pointers, and pass objects around by reference instead of by value. AS 1 will still be supported with bug fixes and minor feature enhancements, though.
- It will be possible to assign an uint to int variable, and vice versa. (Maybe with a warning)
- Although I often use if( ptr ) instead of if( ptr != 0 ) I'm not sure I will implement this implicit cast for AngelScript.
- The bits type was introduced to allow a conversion between float and int without actually modifying the bits. int(bits(float(x))) is not the same as int(float(x)).
With the improved implicit conversions planned for 1.10.1 it will be possible to do bitwise operations on integers.
Instead of writing (xValue & bits(1)), you could write (xValue & 0x1).
- I've found that AngelScript is moving more towards Java than it is towards C++. AS 2 (currently being designed) will remove the pointers, and pass objects around by reference instead of by value. AS 1 will still be supported with bug fixes and minor feature enhancements, though.
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Excellent news for this beginning of day :)
Again, thanks for your great job !
Best Regards,
Again, thanks for your great job !
Best Regards,
Have you tried the latest WIP release yet? As I promised it has much improved rules for implicit conversions. - game development and more - Reference DB - game developer references
AngelScript - free scripting library - BMFont - free bitmap font generator - Tower - free puzzle game
Not yet.
Unfortunately I still didn't had time to update to WIP3 (sorry, you're too rapid for me :)).
But yes, I saw you improved this part, and I thank you for that, I think it will make AS still more usable.
I promise I'll come back as soon as I implemented and tested it to send you feedbacks.
Best regards,
Unfortunately I still didn't had time to update to WIP3 (sorry, you're too rapid for me :)).
But yes, I saw you improved this part, and I thank you for that, I think it will make AS still more usable.
I promise I'll come back as soon as I implemented and tested it to send you feedbacks.
Best regards,
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