problem compiling project 21
sorry in advance in regards to the possibility of this being a repost/misplaced post. the search function dosn't seem to be working.
first of all, I am compiling using 7.1.3088
i downloaded project 21 (grid crazy) and found that the downloaded solution compiles just fine. When I copy the contents of lesson21.cpp into a new and empty project, i get all sorts of errors.
Of intrest is the functio void TimerInit(void) namly the call to timeGetTimer(). the following error (among others) results during linking:
timer error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__timeGetTime@0 referenced in function "void __cdecl TimerInit(void)" (?TimerInit@@YAXXZ)
Well obviously i must be setting up my new project wrong considering its a clean copy and paste. The project settings are c++ win32 project, and empty project.
this problem pulled me from my previous lurker state, hopefully its a good start.. hehe thanks all!
The timeGetTime() function requires that you link the library "winmm.lib" in the project options.
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