
problem compiling project 21

Started by November 05, 2004 11:04 PM
1 comment, last by massa 20 years, 1 month ago
sorry in advance in regards to the possibility of this being a repost/misplaced post. the search function dosn't seem to be working. first of all, I am compiling using 7.1.3088 i downloaded project 21 (grid crazy) and found that the downloaded solution compiles just fine. When I copy the contents of lesson21.cpp into a new and empty project, i get all sorts of errors. Of intrest is the functio void TimerInit(void) namly the call to timeGetTimer(). the following error (among others) results during linking: timer error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__timeGetTime@0 referenced in function "void __cdecl TimerInit(void)" (?TimerInit@@YAXXZ) Well obviously i must be setting up my new project wrong considering its a clean copy and paste. The project settings are c++ win32 project, and empty project. this problem pulled me from my previous lurker state, hopefully its a good start.. hehe thanks all!
The timeGetTime() function requires that you link the library "winmm.lib" in the project options.
Quote: Original post by Orbviper
The timeGetTime() function requires that you link the library "winmm.lib" in the project options.

ah, how dumb of me...

everything works fine now. thanks for the quick response!

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