
lightsource positions

Started by November 03, 2004 03:55 AM
1 comment, last by _DarkWIng_ 20 years, 3 months ago
Hi. In my first opengl 3d engine I have lightsources, I've experimented lots of things with both directional and positional lights (position/vector): x, y, z, 0 or 1. 0 for positional, 1 for directional. Somehow I can't see the logics in my light's position when I add positional lights. Is there an easy way to setup a radius for a positional lightsource, so I can find out where the lightsources exactly are. Maybe I'm missing a part of the openGL lighting theory, if so, please tell me. Thanks.

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An easy way to see where your lightsources are, is to draw some simple GL_POINTS at the same coordinates... Also, don't forget that you must set the position of the light, after any tranformations you want applied.
| Stein Nygård - |
Original post by cozzie
Maybe I'm missing a part of the openGL lighting theory, if so, please tell me. Thanks.

OpenGL Red Book has a whole chapter on lighting. Maybe you should read that to get some more information how lighting in opengl actualy works.
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