
SFX & Music Resources

Started by October 30, 2004 09:17 AM
8 comments, last by jbadams 12 years, 10 months ago
Thread Last Updated: (22 March 2006) This thread contains links to sound effects and music resources for games. For audio software, please check the thread Music Software, etc., originally created by Avatar God (profile) but now maintained by myself. All prices are listed in US Dollars. You can use a site like XE UCC to convert the prices if you need to. Please respect the licencing of any music and/or sound effects you aquire. Feel free to Private Message me with comments, suggestions, or additions to the thread, and let me know if any of my descriptions are inaccurate or if you feel they are missing important information. New entries are marked as new!
Sound EffectsSFX LibrariesHollywood EdgeLarge range of sound effects products, including: // TO BE REPLACED Sound IdeasLarge range of royalty free sound effects products, including: - "The General" 6000 Series ($1495) - 2000 Series ($595) - BBC Sound Effects ($595) and many more. You may also want to check the monthly Sound Ideas Blueplate SpecialsBest Service - Sounds and More (English Language) Large range of SFX products, with various licencing, including: // TO BE REPLACED Immediate Purchase and DownloadSoundMATTER (By The Game Creators) Large range of sounds created specifically for games, and packaged by game type, including: - Arcade ($14.95) - Casino ($14.95) - First Person Shooter ($14.95) - RPG ($14.95)Indie SFX A range of SFX created specifically for games, including: - The 2003 Collection ($90, compiled set of the first five IndieSFX sound effects discs) - The 2004 Collection ($90, compiled set of the current 2004 IndieSFX sound effects discs) and many more, including a compiled set of the Entire IndieSFX Collection ($198) Also offered on CD.Sound Effects Library A large range of sound effects suited to various uses, including the Audio Interactive library, designed specifically with games in mind.Echophile Studios new! Royalty free SFX packs and custom made sound effects for any project, big or small. Currently available packages include Beeps and Clicks, Fire Pack, and the Explosion Pack. Previews available for all packages.NEO Sounds Royalty free music tracks and loops, interface sounds for multimedia production. Original and high quality. Instant download or CD. Of particular interest may be the Active Multimedia SFX Library.Music BakeryVarying prices, royalty free Information: Pricing | LicensingSonomic Varying prices, royalty free About Sonomic | PricingSounddogsWAV MP3 AIFF WMA AU Varying prices, royalty freeSound RangersWAV (other formats unconfirmed) Varying prices, royalty freeFree DownloadFindSounds new! This site actually searches other sites for specific sound effects, and allows you to choose what format and quality you wish to search for. May make a good first stop when looking for SFX downloads. Note: It's up to you to check the licencing of located sounds, which you can do by visiting the hosting webpage using the show page link.Flashkit SoundFXWAV MP3 FlashTrak Royalty free, linkware, shareware (check licence for each sound)Koumis Sound EffectsMP3 Royalty freeFree SFXMP3 Royalty freeGRSites SFXWAV Royalty freeTintagel Sound ArchiveWAV Royalty freeA1 Free Sound EffectsWAV Royalty free for non-commercial useSoundhunterWAV Royalty freeLjudoMP3 Realaudio Licencing unknownPartners In Rhyme SFXWAV Licencing unknown3D Cafe's Sound EffectsWAV Licencing unknown
Music To have music composed specifically for your project, please try GDnet's very own Music and Sound forum (the one this thread is in [wink]), and/or Help Wanted. Many people are often willing to provide music for free or at very competative prices in order to build a portfolio or to gain experience. Providing relevant details about your project will assist in finding a good composer. Alternately, for pre-composed music, try one of the following: All Music Library new! Royalty free music. Also has some free SFX.Ryerson Sound Solutions new!Wav Download Non-exclusively licenced music available for instant download for use in multimedia projects or as mobile-phone ringtones. A range of different styles/genre are available.NEO Sounds new!Download or CD Royalty free music tracks and loopsMusic BakeryMP3 | Download or CD Range of music, varying pricesRoyalty Free MusicDownload or CD Range of music, varying pricesFreeplay Music Range of music, no upfront cost - NOT royalty freewww.musicloops.comDownload or CD Range of prices (including free), royalty freewww.opuzz.comIA Music (the following will be checked, formatted, ordered, and more will be added over the next few days) Symphonic Aria new!Lubo Astinov new!Sonic Daze new!Sean R. Beeson new!MarkMusic new!RoastPork new!NOTE: Music section is new, details on links are still shaky, and more links are to be added.
Legal Information - Copyright (or Patent) Offices: US | UK | Australia - Stanford Copyright & Fair Use Center - 10 Big Myths about Copyright explained - Copyright for music librarians - Mp3 Licencing (Games | Developer FAQ)
Hopefully this thread has been of some use to you. [smile] [Edited by - jbadams on December 13, 2007 6:20:17 AM]

- Jason Astle-Adams

Listing only the General 6000 series is a bit odd when there are all the other Sound Ideas products too. How about a general link to their site (listing all their stuff would be a bit too much)?

SFX Libraries:

Immediate purchase & download:
Yes, good point, I'd just had the General 6000 series recommended to me over IM, and I'm afraid I didn't actually check for other Sound Ideas products at the time, I'll adjust that.

So far I've been unable to load, so for now it stays off the list - I'll try it again tomorrow.

Also, rate++ for the contributions. [wink]

//EDIT: Clicky

[Edited by - Kazgoroth on October 31, 2004 7:16:00 PM]

- Jason Astle-Adams

Any chance you could sticky this, Andrew...?
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.
Oh yeah; it's probably worth putting a link to Sound Idea's monthly promotions section -

Any luck with ? I can view it OK...
No, still havn't had any luck with it. I'm hesitant to add it to the list while I'm unable to visit it myself, but if you (or anyone) can provide me with some relevant details I'll add the entry anyway, and see if I have better luck from friends houses over the next few days.

- Jason Astle-Adams

A couple of those are on the list already, but thanks for the contributions - I'll check out the sites and add them to the list.

- Jason Astle-Adams

I hope it's not inappropriate for me to post this here, but we just launched our online sound library:
I was hoping you could check it out and maybe add it to the list?

This topic is pretty ancient, and no longer maintained. I'm just going to go ahead and lock it.

- Jason Astle-Adams

This topic is closed to new replies.
