
Assembly for OpenGL

Started by October 09, 2000 12:44 PM
12 comments, last by delta_z 23 years ago
I''m just being silly but I''m curious if there is someway to write OpenGL program in complete Assembly. Do even need the DLL''s from windows? a program that will run on Linux/Win/NT/Commador 64/Apple....... would be kinda kewl.
Chad Schmidt
alot of these tutorials have been ported to asm, check them out.
I don''t mean to be negative, but the logic in your post is somewhat damaged.

If you wrote an OpenGL program in asm (which, yes, is possible, though you still have to deal with the C based call nature of OpenGL and Windows DLLs under Windows if you want hardware acceleration -- and you do) it would be far less portable, not more so.

Also, trying to wedge OpenGL onto 8 bit systems (Commodore 64, Apple) is pretty foolish. It was never intended for such low-powered systems, and would run at many hours per frame even for simple scenes unless you rip out most of what makes OpenGL OpenGL (and in that case, better to try to write your own 3D API for those systems).

Apples are not necessarily 8-bit.
We have progressed from that time.

I have taken a PC Assembly class and we were interfacing it with C. I think since OpenGL is "OPEN" it gives you the opportunity to program in anyway you want. As for running on an 8 bit system it''s very possible ("requires alot of Pushing and Popping"). It''s also possible to make an 8 bit program to run faster than a 32 bit program.
Chad Schmidt
You might want checkout Parian Software.

Jim wrote an OpenGL Quake Imitation program in MASM assembly language.

Assembly is processor specific in most cases. Thus your code will be less portable now than if you used C or C++. Plus Assembly is evil!!

Okay, I challenge you:

Write a 8 bit program that runs faster than a 32 bit program - and not I don''t want to see a single NOP in there either.

Stay Lucky, Graham "Mournblade" Reeds.
Stay Lucky, Graham "Mournblade" Reeds.The Ivory Tower
Hi guys. I program in OpenGL assembly and I may be able to help you...

At Bizzare Creations there is a couple OpenGL in assembly examples. These are specific to MASM.

I write in SpAsm wich is simmilar to MASM but slightly different(not much difference). I am accostumed(sp?) MASM syntax though.

On both pages you can download some OpenGL examples. I am currently in the process of converting NeHe's Example 1 into MASM and SpAsm syntax.

Right now in my conversion you can only be windowed mode and does not have error checking like in the C++ version. I will let you know the progress I make. At least the SpAsm version should be done by next week. I will probably write annother example that shows how to use the FPU instructions and OpenGL just to Rasterize.


A great place to learn assembly language would be at Iczelion's Win32 Assembly Homepage.

There is also a good message board that just started up here.

I have tons of time so if you wish to email me....


Ken Bentley

[edited] Spalling errors galore

Edited by - real_man on October 11, 2000 1:55:43 AM
well your link''s dosent seems to work..only the spasm .. but i use MASM so where can i found more sourcecode about MASM that handle openGL??...
beacuse i been there done there...
-= Nothing is impossible=-

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