Hello all. Anybody here using one of the NeHe basekodes that have the keyProcess seperated into its own file? Whay would I do this? Unless I have missunderstood something is just makes tings harder to code. F.eks. I tried to make a camera class. When I have all the keypress stuff in a seprateded file I cant just write camera->moveCameres(UP) in this file. I have to make a moveCamera function and use this in the base file... Is this the way you all do it? What do I do wrong? Thanks Endre PS: if the next contest could start soon, I'll enter... and this time I meen it.
To ask the question in a different way: How many of you use one of the NeHe basecodes when you make demos?
If you do, what version?
And how do you organize the keyprocessing code?
If you do, what version?
And how do you organize the keyprocessing code?
I am using the basecode for demos. But i am working on building my own full blown engine, errrr yeah that's what i hope i'll end up with :P
Well for the demo, i use it, so i could keep concentrated on the gfx stuff. And for the keypress part, as you "only" need to handle the escape key, i have thrown away the F1 part of the tuts, and kept the rest as-is.
non-interactive demos <-> no keyboard /mouse handling
But if you guys have a better / clever idea to handle kbd and mouse stuff (ie for other, more complex programs) i'd be happy to hear about it
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