

Started by October 23, 2004 10:29 AM
1 comment, last by netsach 20 years, 4 months ago
Hello all. Anybody here using one of the NeHe basekodes that have the keyProcess seperated into its own file? Whay would I do this? Unless I have missunderstood something is just makes tings harder to code. F.eks. I tried to make a camera class. When I have all the keypress stuff in a seprateded file I cant just write camera->moveCameres(UP) in this file. I have to make a moveCamera function and use this in the base file... Is this the way you all do it? What do I do wrong? Thanks Endre PS: if the next contest could start soon, I'll enter... and this time I meen it.
To ask the question in a different way: How many of you use one of the NeHe basecodes when you make demos?

If you do, what version?
And how do you organize the keyprocessing code?



I am using the basecode for demos. But i am working on building my own full blown engine, errrr yeah that's what i hope i'll end up with :P

Well for the demo, i use it, so i could keep concentrated on the gfx stuff. And for the keypress part, as you "only" need to handle the escape key, i have thrown away the F1 part of the tuts, and kept the rest as-is.

non-interactive demos <-> no keyboard /mouse handling

But if you guys have a better / clever idea to handle kbd and mouse stuff (ie for other, more complex programs) i'd be happy to hear about it

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