Shadow volume problem
Hi ya all! I am playing around with volume shadows;the problem is that most of the time the shadow stratches from the object .There are some positions that look great though(real shadows). At the first pass the shadow looks as it should. After the second pass it stratches like the one above and is filled with gaps and holes. The object is more complicated than the one in Lesson27 but this should make no difference.It's a ring with a Z into it(a logo)which i took from a 3dMax tutorial. Since this is just like Lesson27 i won't post any code unless you think it is necessary. I hope you have some ideas about this, i really need help. Thanks for your time and effort.
Might want to post a screenshot, that can really help people id a problem.
I had a similar problem once, the two major issues where related to how the polygons connected to each other and the internal structures in the model(one polygon should only have one other polygon connected to each edge).
Try a simpler model first(like a box), perhaps just one simple polygon and work your way from that.
Try a simpler model first(like a box), perhaps just one simple polygon and work your way from that. | | | glAux fix for lesson 6 | [twitter]thegeekstate[/twitter]
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