
image compression question

Started by October 08, 2004 03:46 PM
13 comments, last by nunoxyz 20 years ago
Thank you again, and yes I would definitely like the s3tc compressor and a patched jpeglib. You could email it to me at

To confirm my understanding:

- I will extract an image's pixel components and store the rgb data as a jpeg and compress the alpha data(with your s3tc compressor possibly).

- When the image is to be loaded, I will then multiplex the data back together.

What I'm still unsure of is say I'm going to use a .png image as the image format to extract data from and as the format to multiplex back to. Will I just need to find out the .png format and write an algorithm to extract the data and then reformat the data in that format? Do you think that it will be an acceptable amount of processing time to multiplex about 20 small images on a 400-600 mhz processor?

Thank you so much

Quote: Original post by toxy
What I'm still unsure of is say I'm going to use a .png image as the image format to extract data from and as the format to multiplex back to. Will I just need to find out the .png format and write an algorithm to extract the data and then reformat the data in that format?

Basically, yes. But you wouldn't want to parse PNGs yourself. Use an image library such as libpng to load them.
Do you think that it will be an acceptable amount of processing time to multiplex about 20 small images on a 400-600 mhz processor?

I initially designed the 32 bit jpeg stuff for realtime processing and it performs at about 6000 to 8000 frames per second (image sizes 128x64 to 256x256) on a 1GHz machine. I assume it to be reasonably fast on a 400MHz machine (provided an FPU is present). I also scaled the alpha channel down by a 50% at the biggest dimension and re-scaled on decompression using linear interpolation. This will reduce the size of the alpha channel further.

Here's the addon to jpeglib that provides memory to memory compression:

// jpeg.c#include <stdio.h>#include "jpeg/jpeglib.h"/*	This a custom destination manager for jpeglib that	enables the use of memory to memory compression.	See IJG documentation for details.*/typedef struct {	struct jpeg_destination_mgr pub;	/* base class */	JOCTET*	buffer;						/* buffer start address */	int		bufsize;					/* size of buffer */	size_t	datasize;					/* final size of compressed data */	int*	outsize;					/* user pointer to datasize */	int		errcount;					/* counts up write errors due to 										   buffer overruns */	} memory_destination_mgr;typedef memory_destination_mgr* mem_dest_ptr;/* ------------------------------------------------------------- *//*			MEMORY DESTINATION INTERFACE METHODS				 *//* ------------------------------------------------------------- *//* This function is called by the library before any data gets written */METHODDEF(void)init_destination (j_compress_ptr cinfo){	mem_dest_ptr dest = (mem_dest_ptr)cinfo->dest;		dest->pub.next_output_byte  = dest->buffer;		/* set destination buffer */	dest->pub.free_in_buffer	= dest->bufsize;	/* input buffer size */	dest->datasize = 0;								/* reset output size */	dest->errcount = 0;								/* reset error count */}/* This function is called by the library if the buffer fills up     I just reset destination pointer and buffer size here.   Note that this behavior, while preventing seg faults   will lead to invalid output streams as data is over-   written. */METHODDEF(boolean)empty_output_buffer (j_compress_ptr cinfo){	mem_dest_ptr dest = (mem_dest_ptr)cinfo->dest;	dest->pub.next_output_byte = dest->buffer;	dest->pub.free_in_buffer = dest->bufsize;	++dest->errcount;	/* need to increase error count */	return TRUE;}/* Usually the library wants to flush output here.   I will calculate output buffer size here.   Note that results become incorrect, once   empty_output_buffer was called.   This situation is notified by errcount.*/METHODDEF(void)term_destination (j_compress_ptr cinfo){	mem_dest_ptr dest = (mem_dest_ptr)cinfo->dest;	dest->datasize = dest->bufsize - dest->pub.free_in_buffer;	if (dest->outsize) *dest->outsize += (int)dest->datasize;}/* Override the default destination manager initialization   provided by jpeglib. Since we want to use memory-to-memory   compression, we need to use our own destination manager.*/GLOBAL(void)jpeg_memory_dest (j_compress_ptr cinfo, JOCTET* buffer, int bufsize, int* outsize){	mem_dest_ptr dest;	/* first call for this instance - need to setup */	if (cinfo->dest == 0) {		cinfo->dest = (struct jpeg_destination_mgr *)			(*cinfo->mem->alloc_small) ((j_common_ptr) cinfo, JPOOL_PERMANENT,			sizeof (memory_destination_mgr));	}	dest = (mem_dest_ptr) cinfo->dest;	dest->bufsize = bufsize;	dest->buffer  = buffer;	dest->outsize = outsize;	/* set method callbacks */	dest->pub.init_destination = init_destination;	dest->pub.empty_output_buffer = empty_output_buffer;	dest->pub.term_destination = term_destination;}/* ------------------------------------------------------------- *//*				 MEMORY SOURCE INTERFACE METHODS				 *//* ------------------------------------------------------------- *//* Called before data is read */METHODDEF(void)init_source (j_decompress_ptr dinfo){	/* nothing to do here, really. I mean. I'm not lazy or something, but...	   we're actually through here. */	}/* Called if the decoder wants some bytes that we cannot provide... */METHODDEF(boolean)fill_input_buffer (j_decompress_ptr dinfo){	/* we can't do anything about this. This might happen if the provided	   buffer is either invalid with regards to its content or just a to	   small bufsize has been given. */	/* fail. */	return FALSE;}/* From IJG docs: "it's not clear that being smart is worth much trouble"	So I save myself some trouble by ignoring this bit.*/METHODDEF(void)skip_input_data (j_decompress_ptr dinfo, INT32 num_bytes){	/*	There might be more data to skip than available in buffer.		This clearly is an error, so screw this mess. */	if ((size_t)num_bytes > dinfo->src->bytes_in_buffer) {		dinfo->src->next_input_byte = 0;	/* no buffer byte */		dinfo->src->bytes_in_buffer = 0;	/* no input left */	} else {		dinfo->src->next_input_byte += num_bytes;		dinfo->src->bytes_in_buffer -= num_bytes;	}}/* Finished with decompression */METHODDEF(void)term_source (j_decompress_ptr dinfo){	/* Again. Absolute laziness. Nothing to do here. Boring. */}GLOBAL(void)jpeg_memory_src (j_decompress_ptr dinfo, unsigned char* buffer, size_t size){	struct jpeg_source_mgr* src;	/* first call for this instance - need to setup */	if (dinfo->src == 0) {		dinfo->src = (struct jpeg_source_mgr *)			(*dinfo->mem->alloc_small) ((j_common_ptr) dinfo, JPOOL_PERMANENT,			sizeof (struct jpeg_source_mgr));	}	src = dinfo->src;	src->next_input_byte = buffer;	src->bytes_in_buffer = size;	src->init_source = init_source;	src->fill_input_buffer	= fill_input_buffer;	src->skip_input_data	= skip_input_data;	src->term_source		= term_source;	/* IJG recommend to use their function - as I don't know shit		about how to do better, I follow this recommendation */	src->resync_to_restart	= jpeg_resync_to_restart;}

Here's the S3TC DXT5 compression for alpha values:

// s3tc.cpp#include <windows.h> // <-- to get rid of this, replace ZeroMemory macros with memset()#include <algorithm>#include <cstdlib>#include <cstring>/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////				S3TC IMPLEMENTATION (DXT5-algorithm)				 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////namespace S3TC {	/// DXT interpolated alpha block	struct DXTAlphaBlock {		unsigned char		Alpha0;		//!< first alpha value		unsigned char		Alpha1;		//!< second alpha value		unsigned char		Code[6];	//!< alpha value palette index	};	static const int SIX_ENTRY_BLOCK	= 0;	//!< index of 6-entry block	static const int EIGHT_ENTRY_BLOCK	= 1;	//!< index of 8-entry block	static DXTAlphaBlock	sAlphas[2];			//!< alpha code blocks	static unsigned char	sTempBlock[16];		//!< temporary storage		/*! Pick alpha values at extremes	 *	 *	\param	pBlock	block containing alpha pixel information	 *	\param	nFirst	output value for lowest alpha	 *	\param	nSecond	output value for highest alpha	**/	static void	ChooseAlphaValues (const unsigned char* pBlock, int& nFirst, int& nSecond) {		// need initialization with invalid values to ensure definite assignment		int nLowest = 256, nHighest = -1;		for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {			int nAlpha = pBlock;			if (nAlpha < nLowest) {				nLowest = nAlpha;			} else if (nAlpha > nHighest) {				nHighest = nAlpha;			}			nFirst	= nLowest;							nSecond = nHighest;		}	}	/*! Generate alpha table	 *	 *	\param	pAlphas	output array that receives interpolated values	 *	\param	nFirst	first explicit alpha entry to interpolat from	 *	\param	nFirst	second explicit alpha entry	to interpolate from	**/	static void	GenerateAlphaTable(int* pAlphas, const int nFirst, const int nSecond) {					// first entries are always explicit values		pAlphas[0] = nFirst;		pAlphas[1] = nSecond;		if (nFirst <= nSecond) {			// 6 entries in table - see MSDN			pAlphas[2] = (4*nFirst + 1*nSecond + 2) / 5;			pAlphas[3] = (3*nFirst + 2*nSecond + 2) / 5;			pAlphas[4] = (2*nFirst + 3*nSecond + 2) / 5;			pAlphas[5] = (1*nFirst + 4*nSecond + 2) / 5;			pAlphas[6] = 0;			pAlphas[7] = 255;		} else {			// 8 entries in table - see MSDN			pAlphas[2] = (6*nFirst + 1*nSecond + 3) / 7;			pAlphas[3] = (5*nFirst + 2*nSecond + 3) / 7;			pAlphas[4] = (4*nFirst + 3*nSecond + 3) / 7;			pAlphas[5] = (3*nFirst + 4*nSecond + 3) / 7;			pAlphas[6] = (2*nFirst + 5*nSecond + 3) / 7;			pAlphas[7] = (1*nFirst + 6*nSecond + 3) / 7;		}	}	/*! Assign codes to alpha block	 *	 *	\param	AlphaBlock	alpha block that receives codes for interpolated alpha entries	 *	\param	pCodes		array containing 3 bit alpha codes for each pixel	**/	static void AssignAlphaCodes (DXTAlphaBlock& AlphaBlock, const int* pCodes) {		// process 3 bytes		AlphaBlock.Code[0] = pCodes[0] | (pCodes[1] << 3) | ((pCodes[2] & 0x3) << 6);		AlphaBlock.Code[1] = (pCodes[2] >> 2) | (pCodes[3] << 1) | (pCodes[4] << 4) | ((pCodes[5] & 0x1) << 7);		AlphaBlock.Code[2] = (pCodes[5] >> 1) | (pCodes[6] << 2) | (pCodes[7] << 5);		// process 3 bytes		AlphaBlock.Code[3] = pCodes[8] | (pCodes[9] << 3) | ((pCodes[10] & 0x3) << 6);		AlphaBlock.Code[4] = (pCodes[10] >> 2) | (pCodes[11] << 1) | (pCodes[12] << 4) | ((pCodes[13] & 0x1) << 7);		AlphaBlock.Code[5] = (pCodes[13] >> 1) | (pCodes[14] << 2) | (pCodes[15] << 5);	}	/*! Retrieve codes from alpha block	 *	 *	\param	AlphaBlock	alpha block containing codes for interpolated alpha entries	 *	\param	pCodes		array recieving 3 bit alpha codes for each pixel	**/	static void RetrieveAlphaCodes (const DXTAlphaBlock& AlphaBlock, int* pCodes) {		// process 3 bytes		int nCode = AlphaBlock.Code[0];		pCodes[0] = nCode & 7; 		pCodes[1] = (nCode >> 3) & 7;		pCodes[2] = (nCode >> 6);		nCode = AlphaBlock.Code[1];		pCodes[2] |= (nCode & 1) << 2;		pCodes[3] = (nCode >> 1) & 7; 		pCodes[4] = (nCode >> 4) & 7;		pCodes[5] = (nCode >> 7);		nCode = AlphaBlock.Code[2];		pCodes[5] |= (nCode & 3) << 1;		pCodes[6] = (nCode >> 2) & 7;		pCodes[7] = (nCode >> 5);		// process 3 bytes		nCode = AlphaBlock.Code[3];		pCodes[8] = nCode & 7; 		pCodes[9] = (nCode >> 3) & 7;		pCodes[10]= (nCode >> 6);		nCode = AlphaBlock.Code[4];		pCodes[10] |= (nCode & 1) << 2;		pCodes[11] = (nCode >> 1) & 7; 		pCodes[12] = (nCode >> 4) & 7;		pCodes[13] = (nCode >> 7);		nCode = AlphaBlock.Code[5];		pCodes[13] |= (nCode & 3) << 1;		pCodes[14] = (nCode >> 2) & 7;		pCodes[15] = (nCode >> 5);	}	/*! Generate bit mask for alpha block	 *	 *	\param	AlphaBlock	alpha code block containing explicit alpha values, codes	 *						for each pixel will be generated	 *	\param	pBlock		block containing per-pixel alpha information	 *	\param	pTemp		output for remapped alpha values - optional	**/	static void	GenerateAlphaBlock		(		DXTAlphaBlock& AlphaBlock,		const unsigned char* pBlock, 		unsigned char* pTemp = NULL		)	{		int Alphas[8];	// generated alpha table		int	Codes[16];	// index into alpha table for each texel in block		GenerateAlphaTable(Alphas, AlphaBlock.Alpha0, AlphaBlock.Alpha1);		for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {			// find codes by applying closest match search on generated alpha table			int nBest = 256;			int nMatch;			int nAlpha = pBlock;			int d;			// macro to make unrolled loop more readable		#define UPDATE_MATCH(index)												d = std::abs(nAlpha - Alphas[(index)]);								if (d < nBest) { nBest = d; nMatch= (index); }			// unrolled loop			UPDATE_MATCH(0); UPDATE_MATCH(1);			UPDATE_MATCH(2); UPDATE_MATCH(3);			UPDATE_MATCH(4); UPDATE_MATCH(5);			UPDATE_MATCH(6); UPDATE_MATCH(7);		#undef UPDATE_MATCH			Codes = nMatch;		}		if (pTemp != NULL) {			// assign resulting alpha block if requested			for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {				pTemp = Alphas[Codes];			}		}		AssignAlphaCodes (AlphaBlock, Codes);	}	/// calc. RMS for two blocks of alpha values	static int GetAlphaRMS (const unsigned char* pBlock, const unsigned char* pTemp) {		int nResult = 0;		for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {			// parse through block and sum up squared error			int d = pBlock - pTemp;			nResult += d*d;		}		// "real" RMS requires normalizing... we skip that part since we work with		// integers here and the loss of 4 bits of precision defeats the whole		// purpose of this function at times (e.g. RMS below 16) 		// nResult /= 16;		return nResult;	}	static DXTAlphaBlock* CreateAlphaBlock(const unsigned char* pBlock) {		// "perfect result" version: select most accurate block format		int a0, a1;		// select explicit alphas		ChooseAlphaValues(pBlock, a0, a1);		// prepare 6 entry block		sAlphas[SIX_ENTRY_BLOCK].Alpha0 = a0;		sAlphas[SIX_ENTRY_BLOCK].Alpha1 = a1;		// prepare 8 entry block		sAlphas[EIGHT_ENTRY_BLOCK].Alpha0 = a1;		sAlphas[EIGHT_ENTRY_BLOCK].Alpha1 = a0;		// temporary output of resulting alpha block is only necessary for		// blocks with more than 1 distinct alpha values - see notes below		GenerateAlphaBlock(sAlphas[SIX_ENTRY_BLOCK], pBlock, (a0 != a1) ? sTempBlock : NULL);		// if no errors are calculated force usage of first generated 6 entry block		// by settting errors to equal initial values		int nErr0 = 0, nErr1 = 0;		if (a0 != a1) {			// deciding is only necessary for blocks containing more than 1 alpha value			// \note at this point we might have only two distinct alpha values to cope			//		 with, while generating RMS only seems necessary for more than 2 values.			//		 regarding the memory/computational effort required to count the distinct			//		 values, it seems to be a reasonable compromise to only generate the 			//		 second block/calc. RMS, if at least two values are present...			// get RMS for 6 entry block			nErr0 = GetAlphaRMS(pBlock, sTempBlock);			// generate alpha block using 8 interpolated values			GenerateAlphaBlock(sAlphas[EIGHT_ENTRY_BLOCK], pBlock, sTempBlock);			// find RMS for this block			nErr1 = GetAlphaRMS(pBlock, sTempBlock);		}		// select block version with lowest RMS		int nBest = (nErr0 <= nErr1) ? SIX_ENTRY_BLOCK : EIGHT_ENTRY_BLOCK;		// return best match		return &sAlphas[nBest];	}	/// Decode DXT5 alpha block	static void DecodeAlphaBlock (const DXTAlphaBlock& rAlpha, unsigned char* pBlock) {				int Codes[16];		int Alphas[8];		GenerateAlphaTable(Alphas, rAlpha.Alpha0, rAlpha.Alpha1);		RetrieveAlphaCodes(rAlpha, Codes);				for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {			// assign values from codes			int j = Codes;			pBlock = Alphas[j];		}	}	/// Copy a 4x4 block from the input	static void	CopyBlock(const unsigned char* Values, const int Width, unsigned char* Block) {		for (int i = 0, n = 0, y = 0; i < 4; ++i, y += Width) {			for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {				Block[n++] = Values[y + j];			}		}	}	/// Copy a nxn block from the input	static void	CopyBlockEx(const unsigned char* Values, const int Width, const int SizeX, const int SizeY, unsigned char* Block) {		for (int i = 0, n = 0, y = 0; i < SizeY; ++i, y += Width, n += 4) {			for (int j = 0; j < SizeX; ++j) {				Block[n + j] = Values[y + j];			}		}	}	/// Copy a 4x4 block to the input	static void	SaveBlock(const unsigned char* Block, const int Width, unsigned char* Values) {		for (int i = 0, n = 0, y = 0; i < 4; ++i, y += Width) {			for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {				Values[y + j] = Block[n++];			}		}	}	/// Copy a nxn block to the input	static void	SaveBlockEx(const unsigned char* Block, const int Width, const int SizeX, const int SizeY, unsigned char* Values) {		for (int i = 0, n = 0, y = 0; i < SizeY; ++i, y += Width, n += 4) {			for (int j = 0; j < SizeX; ++j) {				Values[y + j] = Block[n + j];			}		}	}}// simple box filterstatic unsigned char* ScaleDownY(const unsigned char* Values, const int Width, const int Height) {			unsigned char* result = static_cast<unsigned char*> ( malloc (Width*Height) );	const unsigned char* Top	= Values;	const unsigned char* Bottom	= Values + Width;	int iy = 2 * Width;	for (int y = 0, i = 0; y < Height; ++y) {				for (int x = 0; x < Width; ++x, ++i) {			// slightly optimized mem-ops			int n = Top[x];			n += Bottom[x];			// effectivly makes a shift by 1 bit			n /= 2;			result = n;		}		Top		+= iy;		Bottom	+= iy;	}	return result;}// simple box filterstatic unsigned char* ScaleDownX(const unsigned char* Values, const int Width, const int Height) {			unsigned char* result = static_cast<unsigned char*> ( malloc (Width*Height) );	int iy = 2 * Width;	for (int y = 0, i = 0; y < Height; ++y) {				for (int x = 0, ix = 0; x < Width; ++x, ix += 2, ++i) {			// slightly optimized mem-ops			int n = Values[ix];			n += Values[ix+1];			// effectivly makes a shift by 1 bit			n /= 2;			result = n;		}		Values += iy;	}	return result;}// using bi-linear filtering...static unsigned char* ScaleUpY(const unsigned char* Values, const int Width, const int Height, unsigned char* Result) {		unsigned char* TopDest		= Result;	unsigned char* BottomDest	= Result + Width;	int iy = 2 * Width;	for (int y = 0, i = 0; y < Height; ++y) {				for (int x = 0; x < Width; ++x, ++i) {			int p = Values;						// check neighbours			int t = (y > 0) ? Values[i-Width] : p;			int b = (y < Height-1) ? Values[i+Width] : p;			// get gradients			int d1 = abs(p - b);			int d2 = abs(p - t);						// perform interpolation based on linear gradients			TopDest[x]	 = (d1 < d2) ? (2*p + t + b + 2) / 4 : (2*p + t + 1) / 3;			BottomDest[x]= (d1 > d2) ? (2*p + t + b + 2) / 4 : (2*p + b + 1) / 3;		}		TopDest		+= iy;		BottomDest	+= iy;	}	return Result;}// using bi-linear filtering...static unsigned char* ScaleUpX(const unsigned char* Values, const int Width, const int Height, unsigned char* Result) {	for (int y = 0, i = 0, j = 0; y < Height; ++y) {				for (int x = 0; x < Width; ++x, ++i, j += 2) {			int p = Values;			// check neighbours			int l = (x > 0) ? Values[i-1] : p;			int r = (x < Width-1) ? Values[i+1] : p;			// get gradients			int d1 = abs(p - l);			int d2 = abs(p - r);			// perform interpolation based on linear gradients			Result[j]	= (d1 > d2) ? (2*p + l + r + 2) / 4 : (2*p + l + 1) / 3;			Result[j+1]	= (d1 < d2) ? (2*p + l + r + 2) / 4 : (2*p + r + 1) / 3;		}	}	return Result;}const int DXT5PackAlphaValues (const unsigned char* Values, const int Width, const int Height, unsigned char* Output) {		using namespace S3TC;	*reinterpret_cast<int*>(Output) = MAKEFOURCC('S','3','T','C');			unsigned char* Scaled = NULL;	int w = Width/*/2*/;	int h = Height/*/2*/;		// select which direction to scale down	if (w < h) {		reinterpret_cast<int*>(Output)[1] = 0;		h /= 2;		Scaled = ScaleDownY(Values, w, h);	} else {		reinterpret_cast<int*>(Output)[1] = 1;		w /= 2;		Scaled = ScaleDownX(Values, w, h);	}	int bx = w / 4;		// horizontal blocks	int by = h / 4;		// vertical blocks	int	rx = w & 3;		// horizontal remainder	int	ry = h & 3;		// vertical remainder	int iy = w * 4;		// pointer increment for vertical block line increase	unsigned char Block[16];// work block	DXTAlphaBlock* AlphaOut = reinterpret_cast<DXTAlphaBlock*> ( Output + 8 );	int oy = 0;	for (int y = 0; y < by; ++y, oy += iy) {		// parse through block lines		int ox = oy;		for (int x = 0; x < bx; ++x, ox += 4) {			// parse through blocks in current line			CopyBlock(Scaled + ox, w, Block);			DXTAlphaBlock* alpha = CreateAlphaBlock(Block);			*AlphaOut++ = *alpha;		}		if (rx > 0) {			// create odd block			ZeroMemory(Block, sizeof(Block));			CopyBlockEx(Scaled + ox, w, rx, 4, Block);			DXTAlphaBlock* alpha = CreateAlphaBlock(Block);			*AlphaOut++ = *alpha;		}	}	if (ry > 0) {		// process odd blocks at bottom		ZeroMemory(Block, sizeof(Block));		int ox = oy;		for (int x = 0; x < bx; ++x, ox += 4) {			// parse through blocks in current line			CopyBlockEx(Scaled + ox, w, 4, ry, Block);			DXTAlphaBlock* alpha = CreateAlphaBlock(Block);			*AlphaOut++ = *alpha;					}		if (rx > 0) {			// create odd block			ZeroMemory(Block, sizeof(Block));			CopyBlockEx(Scaled + ox, w, rx, ry, Block);			DXTAlphaBlock* alpha = CreateAlphaBlock(Block);			*AlphaOut++ = *alpha;		}	}	free(Scaled);	return static_cast<int> (reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(AlphaOut) - Output);}const int DXT5UnpackAlphaValues (const unsigned char* Values, const int Width, const int Height, unsigned char* Output) {	using namespace S3TC;	int w = Width/*/2*/;	int h = Height/*/2*/;		if (reinterpret_cast<const int*>(Values)[1] == 0) {		h /= 2;	} else {		w /= 2;	}	unsigned char* Scaled = static_cast<unsigned char*> ( malloc (w*h) );	int bx = w / 4;		// horizontal blocks	int by = h / 4;		// vertical blocks	int	rx = w & 3;		// horizontal remainder	int	ry = h & 3;		// vertical remainder	int iy = w * 4;		// pointer increment for vertical block line increase	unsigned char Block[16];// work block	const DXTAlphaBlock* AlphaIn = reinterpret_cast<const DXTAlphaBlock*> ( Values + 8 );	int n	= 0;	int oy	= 0;	for (int y = 0; y < by; ++y, oy += iy) {		// parse through block lines		int ox = oy;		for (int x = 0; x < bx; ++x, ox += 4) {			// parse through blocks in current line				DecodeAlphaBlock(AlphaIn[n++], Block);			SaveBlock(Block, w, Scaled + ox);		}		if (rx > 0) {			// create odd block			ZeroMemory(Block, sizeof(Block));			DecodeAlphaBlock(AlphaIn[n++], Block);			SaveBlockEx(Block, w, rx, 4, Scaled + ox);		}	}	if (ry > 0) {		// process odd blocks at bottom		ZeroMemory(Block, sizeof(Block));		int ox = oy;		for (int x = 0; x < bx; ++x, ox += 4) {			// parse through blocks in current line			DecodeAlphaBlock(AlphaIn[n++], Block);			SaveBlockEx(Block, w, 4, ry, Scaled + ox);		}		if (rx > 0) {			// create odd block			ZeroMemory(Block, sizeof(Block));			DecodeAlphaBlock(AlphaIn[n++], Block);			SaveBlockEx(Block, w, rx, ry, Scaled + ox);		}	}	if (reinterpret_cast<const int*>(Values)[1] == 0) {		ScaleUpY(Scaled, w, h, Output);	} else {		ScaleUpX(Scaled, w, h, Output);	}	free(Scaled);	return Width * Height;}

Note that in the above code, scaling is optional and can be commented out if it hurts performance.

If you need some more code, let me know.
awesome - thank you many times

I will give it a try and post the results back here :)
having problems.....

i used your functions to compress the image in the memory, the compress engine does not have any problems.....

but when i go to the decompress i always have error 201 (improper call) i looked @ the source i just made 1 "copy past" from the example.c from the ijg then changing the jpeg_memory_src and desteny...

can u give a small sample...?

-> EDIT <-

I found the main problem the "writer" just writes the startup bits the header of the file the rest is not in the buffer!

10x in advc

[Edited by - nunoxyz on November 12, 2004 4:39:04 AM]
i got it fixed it writes and reads ok but i have a problem my .jpg in 90 of compression is about 100kb! (that is HUGE!!!!!) can any one help me out?

10x in advc

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