[OT] Jeff, could you please post my Linux app on nehe ?
Hi Jeff, I apologize if this message is not in the right place, I have contacted you by the email on your site, nehe.gamedev.net but I see you didn't post my Linux OpenGL app, maybe that email is not working ? This is the message I sent you: ________________________________________________________________ I would like you to add a reference to my software, Cpsed, an OpenGL 3d scene editor under Linux, this is the text, please feel free to modify it: Cpsed is a Linux OpenGL 3D scene editor built with QT library. It allows to import .3ds model files and to position, rotate and scale each of them. It features open/save/delete function. The 3ds loader also loads the textures in JPG/BMP/TGA format. DFF Renderware format support is in course. The save file format is pure ascii with comma separated values. This is the initial release. http://cpsed.sourceforge.net _________________________________________________________________ Thank you, Colossus
ColossusCpsed,a Linux OpenGL 3D scene editorhttp://cpsed.sourceforge.net
On the front page of his site it says that his email was broken and that if you sent him an email then to send it to him again.
BTW: he rarely checks this site.
BTW: he rarely checks this site.
______________________________________________________________________________________With the flesh of a cow.
He rarely checks his own site? .......
_____________________________________http://www.winmaze.de, a 3D shoot em up in OpenGL, nice graphics, multiplayer, chat rooms, a nice community, worth visiting! ;)http://www.spheretris.tk, an upcoming Tetrisphere clone for windows, a 3D tetris game on a sphere with powerful graphics for Geforce FX and similar graphics cards.
Original post by Ainokea
On the front page of his site it says that his email was broken and that if you sent him an email then to send it to him again.
If his email is broken would not be useless to send one once again ?
ColossusCpsed,a Linux OpenGL 3D scene editorhttp://cpsed.sourceforge.net
Nice javascript trick !
ColossusCpsed,a Linux OpenGL 3D scene editorhttp://cpsed.sourceforge.net
Original post by Lyve
He rarely checks his own site? .......
This isn't his site...
I'm wouldn't expect him to check this forum.. I think I've seen a handful of Nehe-related posts in the time I've been here. Most questions here are from people who don't realize that there are more appropriate forums for their (usually) OpenGL questions.
Disclaimer: "I am in no way qualified to present advice on any topic concerning anything and can not be held responsible for any damages that my advice may incurr (due to neither my negligence nor yours)"
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