MD3 Model Questions...
I have read and implemented MD3 models and animations into the program I am currently working on. I followed the instructions in the tutorial from on how to do this. Well now I can load, display and animate the models, but I have no way of actaully controlling them. I would like to be able to control the model to walk around and such, but in order to do that I would need to get some of the models vectors, would I not? I'm sort of new to this, but so far but here is what I am thinking, just correct me if im wrong :) I would need to get the models view and up vector and get the cross product of the two. That way I can create all the axis I need to move with correct? Ihe only problem is, I do not know how to obtain these vectors. When the model is initally drawn, it is always facing toward the positive X axis. I am sure I can figure this one out, but I am really weak when it comes to the math. I'm still doing my homework. Haha. Thanks alot for the help guys!
You Could Always Simple just try glRotatef Before drawing the model.
Assum it will never rotate on its X-Axis (Only in space games do the ships actualy spin).
Then i think if a unit is looking up the idea behind md3 is to simple have the arms & head look up.
The entire body can by rotate on the y axis as to where its looking!
One Tip:When you have the legs moving make sure that the units moving speed is the same as its legs,...EG if a units runs insanly fast his legs must move as if the entire animation is just fast-forwarded you anderstand what i mean.. If you dont it looks like the units legs are sliding over a smooth service!
Soz bud cant realy help you there!
Assum it will never rotate on its X-Axis (Only in space games do the ships actualy spin).
Then i think if a unit is looking up the idea behind md3 is to simple have the arms & head look up.
The entire body can by rotate on the y axis as to where its looking!
One Tip:When you have the legs moving make sure that the units moving speed is the same as its legs,...EG if a units runs insanly fast his legs must move as if the entire animation is just fast-forwarded you anderstand what i mean.. If you dont it looks like the units legs are sliding over a smooth service!
Soz bud cant realy help you there!
well i now have all the math in place so i can correctly track the models movement. the speed and timing are no almost perfect so there is no sliding issues like you had mentioned. i can rotate the models view vector so it will walk in circles and such, but i can not figure out how to actaully rotate the model itself. it is always facing one direction. i can use glRotatef to rotate the model, but i do not know how to get the proper angle to rotate from the view vector. does anyone know how i would do that?
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