If the keyboard shorcuts arn't to your liking, you can change them, they are in Tools->Options->Environment->Keyboard, and then enter 'Find' in the action filter, and you will see the find in files action, where you will see the current key. For me this is ctrl-alt-F which works very well for me.
Also absolutly every tab and window and pane can be moved around. You can make it look damn near exactly like VC6 if you want, but I personally don't find this as productive.
I've been recently using embedded VC++ 6 for a pocket pc project, and honestly I really really miss the VS.net ide (however I also found it difficult to get used to).
I have never used anything newer then Visual Studio 6 and am a bit lost. How do I set up OpenGL in Nehe's chapter 1 tutorial? I am missing 6 badly since I am so use to it but I need to move on;)
VC 8 should import old VC.net and VC6 projects, so download one of them and import it.. it should work. if it doesn't then we should be able to help you out...