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dx for linux

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16 comments, last by kroiz 23 years, 8 months ago
Yeah, LearFox, can you tell us what these "Limitations" are?

I can only name one - portability (or the lack thereof).

"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away" --Henry David Thoreau
"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away"--Henry David Thoreau
SDK''s are usually wrappers and from my experiance with
the SDK in question it dosen''t allow multiple toplevel
windows or X style event handling.

There are other wrappers around X objects and obscure
some X objects'' features.

Again, I was just making a warning and trying to be
as fair as possable to the alternatives available.
Any time you have wrappers that run across platforms
you need to expect some limitations imposed to comform
to each of the target platforms.
Tara Milana - WP Entertainmenthttp://wolfpack.twu.net/Comp graphics artist and programmer.
I love bill gates and microsoft - Windows is by far the best OS ever made, it never crashes and if it does, it always deals with it in a great way. Linux is just a Unix wannabe.

(will I get killed for this post, will you ignore me in my future posts)
//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I'm looking for work
Starcraft uses directx and no other gfx-api, right?
Alot of dudes around the world (like myself) used to play starcraft under linux (through WINE . So DX under linux is not impossible.

Nice link: www.linuxgames.com (i think that''s the right url

"Look mom, a demoscener! Can i keep it?"
"Look mom, a demoscener! Can i keep it?"
quote: Original post by JOL

I love bill gates and microsoft - Windows is by far the best OS ever made,

A broad generalization and completely an opinion. You get an "F" for logic and reasoning skills.

quote: it never crashes and if it does, it always deals with it in a great way.

You just contradicted yourself. More bad reasoning.

"it never crashes" -- "and if it does"

Why say "if it does" if you claim "it never crashes"?

By the way, have you seen Windows on other computers? Oh yeah, that blue screen, It''s the best method in the world to handle a crash . . .

And locking up a computer, that''s another excellent way, along with killing the program before you can save your document!

-I''m still trying to find a crash that Windows deals with "in a great way".

quote: Linux is just a Unix wannabe.

What''s wrong with Unix?

Yet Linux has exploded in popularity . . .

A large portion of servers in the industry today now run that OS that you claim is just a "Unix wannabe."

-And Unix has long been known as a good OS for servers, anyway.

(will I get killed for this post, will you ignore me in my future posts)

(im still trying to figure out the grammer in last sentence)

--Are you posting just to post?

"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away" --Henry David Thoreau
"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away"--Henry David Thoreau
ok I love linux, I hate my Modem(winmodem= software modulated) its stable and fast. Though it is crashable, i have proved that.
DX is definatly portable to Linux(c/c++ api my friend) ,but its not going to be. One reason... for something new and exciting to come to linux someone has to do it for free. OpenGL will probably always be the choice for linux because SGI developed it to be incorperated (port is such a bad word) for multiple O/S''s. Any 3d graphic artist probably know''s that win 95/98/ME arent the choice O/S''s to run 3d graphic progs.(Blender is SOOOOOOOOO sweet on Linux!!!!!) If 3DSmax and lightwave could run on linux, us 3d Artists would probably never need to save till were done.(unless they F*ck up alot like I do!!)
*****confused by earlier errors, bailing out....*****
quote: Original post by Ghoulflesh

ok I love linux, I hate my Modem(winmodem= software modulated)

WinModems take clock cycles away from the processor. Same with some of the new Windows printers - everything is done on the processor insetead of the printer itself. Why do such things? Because it''s cheap.

quote: Any 3d graphic artist probably know''s that win 95/98/ME arent the choice O/S''s to run 3d graphic progs.(Blender is SOOOOOOOOO sweet on Linux!!!!!) If 3DSmax and lightwave could run on linux, us 3d Artists would probably never need to save till were done.(unless they F*ck up alot like I do!!)

POV-Ray is a good ray tracer that supports Linux. I think 3DSmax supports its format; most programs do. However, I''m still looking for a decent Linux modeller . 3dPM looks like it has promise, but I think it''s probably far from professional. Moray is a modeller that supports nearly all of POV-Ray''s features, but it''s for Windows only.

"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away" --Henry David Thoreau
"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away"--Henry David Thoreau
quote: Original post by ZomeonE

(almost) everyone who uses linux hates all microsoft stuff, so...

Well I bet you''d be in shock if I told you that Godfree''s favorite company is Microsoft.

No such thing as an innocent soul who lies to the world who he loves so much

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