Stupid dream I guess...
I don`t know how to put this because I`m afraid people will yell at me or say that I`m stupid or that I`m implying something in here, but I just thought it would be fun to post... so here it goes: (you can skip the first 2 paragrahps) This was last night`s dream, as you may know already you have about 2-3 dreams in one night,and... I don`t even want to remember the first experience(when I figured that out), because the last dream(there wore 3)was a scary one that made me remember everything. So, this was a continue from a dream that had something to do with my final exams(12 grade) to think of it, it`s quite funny, the romanian test that`s supposed to be taken at the end of the tweltch grade was given at the begining of the college, I mean you go there too but you`d have to come back to school(ain`t that crap ?) and give this exam also. So I was walking somewhere(probably his house), and then I found myself with NeHe, my first impression was... "Wow, me and NeHe"(like a dream come true, to meet the man :) ),and then I... saw that he was a female ? and old 40+ female, with a blue blouse on... I was amazed about this and I was like "How about the pics on youre site ? I thought that was you", and (s)he said something like "Oh, that`s not me at all, I don`t even know the guy", and I was like(in my mind) "poor guy, he doesn`t even know youre using him", and then (s)he said "didn`t you looked at the second photo page ?", and I was like "what second photo page"(I`ve imediatly imagined the webpage and I thought that I might`ve missed the <second page>, the place where more explanations should be). After this scenario not too much happened, I think something was going on and we had to change places(move to somewhere else). One more thing I forgot to mention, when I first meet him he called me by my original middle name(no nick), and I was shocked, I asked myself how did he made the connection between the nick and the name... and I imediatly tought that the only time I had my full name written in this site was the mini-demo contest.And some last thing, the whole conversation was in my native language(Romanian), and suddenly he asked me if I know some "Steve" guy, it was pretty weird indeed. Please don`t throw tomatoes at me :)
Relative Games - My apps
I usually don`t drink(actually I never drink) :), it`s one of those dreams you never think of and... they just happen, actually after that dream I had another one, there was somekind of trip and I got out of the bus and got to a nearby town and I was entering an apartment and I found a broken knife and I felt scared... there wore monsters coming at me and I was killing pretty much everything, until I saw that after killing some guy, some kind of demon got out of him and the soul within was eliberated, after that I used something on him and his companion and got some kind of big book, the book had something to do with the archangels and I was collecting them (that`s pretty stupid I know)
Well I was pretty bored also so I had to post :D
Well I was pretty bored also so I had to post :D
Relative Games - My apps
I never thought that dreams containing people are part of "strange sexual fantasy" /:)
Relative Games - My apps
As preposterous as it may sound, I think you need to spend some time away from your computer, dude :)
As preposterous as it may sound, I think you need to spend some time away from your computer, dude :)
And I guess this does qualify as relevent to NeHe so this is the place to post it ;)
And I guess this does qualify as relevent to NeHe so this is the place to post it ;)
Don't put to mutch thought into it, dreams can be strange for no reason at all.
Just look at me, every night i dream about world conquest and doing unspeakably evil things to people for no reason at all(i allso dream about lot's and lot's of nekkid girls from time to time).
Does that mean that every day i run around trying to take over the world and do unspeakably evil things to people for no apparent reason, no!
..... o, wait, i actuarly do that, nevermind.
Just look at me, every night i dream about world conquest and doing unspeakably evil things to people for no reason at all(i allso dream about lot's and lot's of nekkid girls from time to time).
Does that mean that every day i run around trying to take over the world and do unspeakably evil things to people for no apparent reason, no!
..... o, wait, i actuarly do that, nevermind. | | | glAux fix for lesson 6 | [twitter]thegeekstate[/twitter]
[lc_overlord] very funny :), how about sharing some of you`re dreams, seems like a lot of fun
I don`t know what to say next but I`m... sad to know that people don`t give too much attention to dreams as though you spend about 1/4 of youre life dreaming... or sleeping, whatever
I don`t know what to say next but I`m... sad to know that people don`t give too much attention to dreams as though you spend about 1/4 of youre life dreaming... or sleeping, whatever
Relative Games - My apps
LMFAO thats just about the funniest thing I have heard (NeHe a SheHe lmao) I will have to tell him to read this post :) he will get a kick out of it - believe me he (NeHe) has the most MESSED dreams. I can only ever remember little bits of my dreams but don't you hate it when you are awaken from a dream and want sooooo bad to continue it but can't (that sucks)most times those are the "strange sexual fantasy dreams" you were talking about lmao :)
To speak about dreams, I had a strange experience with one.
The dream itself was just ordinary in it's content. The first thing which is out of the ordinary is the fact I remembered it for a long time (I still remember something of it right now, and it has passed at least a year I think). I usually don't remember dreams when I wake up.
Another thing I can say it was very detailed. Other dreams I made were somewhat, say "fuzzy" with unconsistend distances or strange behaviour (such as sun spinning in the sky while sunlight stays just fine).
Usually I can recognize quite easy when I'm dreaming. In that case, I could not. Luckly for me it wasn't a nightmare. ;)
The dream itself was just ordinary in it's content. The first thing which is out of the ordinary is the fact I remembered it for a long time (I still remember something of it right now, and it has passed at least a year I think). I usually don't remember dreams when I wake up.
Another thing I can say it was very detailed. Other dreams I made were somewhat, say "fuzzy" with unconsistend distances or strange behaviour (such as sun spinning in the sky while sunlight stays just fine).
Usually I can recognize quite easy when I'm dreaming. In that case, I could not. Luckly for me it wasn't a nightmare. ;)
Previously "Krohm"
My 2 cents:
Some say your dreams mean something. In fact, this week's article gives you an insight into Jungian phychology that *could* relate to your dream:
Personally, I think some mean something (slightly), and some don't, but don't look too deep into them. Maybe you had this dream because you look at NeHe as someone you want to be more like (eg, a good programmer, knowledgeable about OGL, does stuff for the GameDev community, etc). Oh yeah, and maybe your dreamed NeHe (or SHeHe ) is your animus (read the article for more info).
Some say your dreams mean something. In fact, this week's article gives you an insight into Jungian phychology that *could* relate to your dream:
Personally, I think some mean something (slightly), and some don't, but don't look too deep into them. Maybe you had this dream because you look at NeHe as someone you want to be more like (eg, a good programmer, knowledgeable about OGL, does stuff for the GameDev community, etc). Oh yeah, and maybe your dreamed NeHe (or SHeHe ) is your animus (read the article for more info).
"Learn as though you would never be able to master it,
hold it as though you would be in fear of losing it" - Confucius
hold it as though you would be in fear of losing it" - Confucius
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