
Help with ppl and lightmaps

Started by September 04, 2004 02:00 AM
14 comments, last by mikeman 20 years, 5 months ago
Half-Life 2 uses a method that combines lightmaps and standard ppl, there's a paper on the nvidia developers site, perhaps you should take a look.
If at first you don't succeed, redefine success.
Original post by python_regious
Half-Life 2 uses a method that combines lightmaps and standard ppl, there's a paper on the nvidia developers site, perhaps you should take a look.

Do you have a link to that?I can't find it.
Bugger, I can't find it either. It was certainly there...
If at first you don't succeed, redefine success.
It's at ATI's site;

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Ah, well. Wasn't too far off. [lol]
If at first you don't succeed, redefine success.
It seems interesting.They use a technique called "Radiosity Normal Mapping",but I can't figure it out.What are they storing in the lightmap?

Computing Light map Values:

•Traditionally, when computing light map values using a radiosity preprocessor,
single color value is calculated
•In Radiosity Normal Mapping, we transform our basis into tangent space
compute light values for each vector.

At the pixel level. . .
Transform the normal from a normal map into our basis
Sample three light map colors, and blend between them based the transformed vector
lightmapColor[0] * dot( bumpBasis[0], normal )+lightmapColor[1] * dot( bumpBasis[1], normal )+lightmapColor[2] * dot( bumpBasis[2], normal )

When they say "compute light values for each vector",do they mean that,when building the radiosity map,they use T,B,N vectors as normals and calculate 3 different light values?And then,at the pixel level,perform some kind of weighting between these 3 values based on the direction of the normal obtained from the normalmap?

[Edited by - mikeman on September 5, 2004 10:24:24 AM]

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