
Problems with texture loader and glaux replacement

Started by September 01, 2004 09:40 AM
6 comments, last by 20 years, 5 months ago
Hello everybody, I've been having problems with NeHe's lesson06, since it complains about glaux.DLL being not found. I know i have to download the glaux replacement for this, but i don't know, where to put this replacement, i'm using the Dev-C++ conversion of Lesson06, can anyone show me the Dev-C++ code of lesson06 with the glaux replacement code in it? If you can, it'll be greatly apreciated. Cheers.
If anyone wants to show me, but doesn't have the code, i can post it if you want, but you can also download it from NeHe's site.
Please help me...
if you have a DLL, try placing it in a place that your project can find it, if its on a windows machine, try puttin it in the c:\windows\system32 directory or maybe the c:\windows\system directory. if those don't work & you have no clue otherwise... do a search for other *.dll files & put it where those are.
Whatsoever you do, do it heartily as to the Lord, and not unto men.
I know about that...
I just don't have the DLL, and i just want the Glaux replacement integrated in Lesson06 Dev-C++ code...
Please help me.
Someone please answer this, i have posted this at the official OpenGL forum aswell, and they simply ignore my real question, and show me things i have no need to see, instead of simply answering what would take them a lot less time...
So anyone please help me... I'd like to continue with NeHe's tuts, but until someone answer this, i can't... :<
Original post by MentalSentinel
Someone please answer this, i have posted this at the official OpenGL forum aswell, and they simply ignore my real question, and show me things i have no need to see, instead of simply answering what would take them a lot less time...
So anyone please help me... I'd like to continue with NeHe's tuts, but until someone answer this, i can't... :<

If you check the NEHE tuts down a bit further (forget the exact #), it goes into loading textures without that library, so might just be easiest to find that tutorial and use the image loading straight from it.

Ok, just found it:

Explains how to load .tga files without using the glaux library anymore.
Thanks for the help but, i knew about that, i just don't know how to integrate that into the more easier lessons, i got help from someone at now, and that did it for me.

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