
Doom 3: Streaming texture data

Started by August 26, 2004 03:06 AM
8 comments, last by PnP Bios 20 years, 6 months ago
Hello users, In Doom 3, a lot of monitors are displayed that display videos. A lot of them are found per level, it must be a lot of texture data. Anyone knows how they did it? 3D Textures? Lots of 2D Textures? Replacing content of a single 2D texture per frame? Regards, Lyve
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i think it is the last choice.
Doom 3 has this new spiffy cool flashlike thingy they use on monitors, keypads and so on.

allthough simple animations is probobly still done with lots and lots of 2d textures.
I'd suspect that the changing of the texture is done using render to texture on the GPU, using lots of 2D texture layers. Until (previous track record) they open source the Doom 3 engine/tell us we're not going to know.
-- Jonathan
it's done with id's format called ROQ, it's basically a compression tool that packs tga frames and sound into a movie file, you could use these files in quake3 on textures also. It's just an adaption of the CIN format they used in quake2. Basically they just change the 2d texture with new texture data. :)
lesson 35 :-)

that pretty much does the third method.
but in a very ugly way :), it's only for win32 and even only for directx, i dont like that :/

How about, just like in the Source engine, they use virtual cameras? Special considerations can be taken into account such as the final image will be really small and doesnt require all the jazzy features turned on, thereby making it a fast approach.

Anyway, I'm just guessing.
Virtual cameras render scenes from viewpoints other than the camera viewpoint. Animated textures could be generated using vector graphics or bitmap-frames. Doom3 seems to use a little out of everything to create the displays, but as said, we won't know for a while. The SDK might give a few hints if somebody's imagination for their own ways is not enough [smile]
Original post by coelurus
Virtual cameras render scenes from viewpoints other than the camera viewpoint. Animated textures could be generated using vector graphics or bitmap-frames. Doom3 seems to use a little out of everything to create the displays, but as said, we won't know for a while. The SDK might give a few hints if somebody's imagination for their own ways is not enough [smile]

Yeah that's exactly what I mean: a virtual camera that renders a viewpoint that is not the player's perspective. Just like the security camera in the Source demo video.
If you could access texture data directly on the video ram, I have an idea...
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