Natural Effects Demo
'lo, I just finished a demo: Its kinda intended as a cure for insomnia - since I couldnt get to sleep at least my avatar can... ;) Thoughts, comments, and bug reports greatly appreciated :)
As always take this as constructive critisism, I mean nothing mean by what I say ;)
Few problems I saw:
1) The skybox didnt exactly match up so you can see the edges
2) Water and plant movement is way to fast, feels like im watching a timelapse film the way the waves move so fast along the island.
3) When I move the camera around I see a weird line thing in the water at a certon point, ill post a SS if you need me too.
Good work!
Few problems I saw:
1) The skybox didnt exactly match up so you can see the edges
2) Water and plant movement is way to fast, feels like im watching a timelapse film the way the waves move so fast along the island.
3) When I move the camera around I see a weird line thing in the water at a certon point, ill post a SS if you need me too.
Good work!
nice but there are some obvious errors in it, that not the previous writer noted.
1. the bilboarded Zzz:s sort of z occlude each other, it looks bad, drop the z-writing there.
2. what's up with the funky mouse controll.
3. the leaves are allso occluding eachother, might i suggest alpha testing.
1. the bilboarded Zzz:s sort of z occlude each other, it looks bad, drop the z-writing there.
2. what's up with the funky mouse controll.
3. the leaves are allso occluding eachother, might i suggest alpha testing. | | | glAux fix for lesson 6 | [twitter]thegeekstate[/twitter]
Thx guys :)
- I'll see what i can do about the skybox...not sure why it looks like that
- I'll also add a time based update to the natural effects
- The line thing is kinda intentional - its a result of the sphere mapping - i'll see if i can find a better texture
- For the leaf and z textures I use the the ipicture indexed alpha method. For some reason the polys still obscure each other even after I make the depth test read only...any ideas?
- Can you explain what u mean by funky mouse control?
- I'll see what i can do about the skybox...not sure why it looks like that
- I'll also add a time based update to the natural effects
- The line thing is kinda intentional - its a result of the sphere mapping - i'll see if i can find a better texture
- For the leaf and z textures I use the the ipicture indexed alpha method. For some reason the polys still obscure each other even after I make the depth test read only...any ideas?
- Can you explain what u mean by funky mouse control?
well since the view angle is based directly on the screen coords you can only rotate the view(left and right) around 360 degrees(most applications of this sorts alow for infinite rotation), and up and down is allmost non existant.
A way to solve this is to rotate only when you press and hold one mousebutton and then rotate the scene relative to how the mouse moves.
About the alpha testing, my guess is that it dosn't work(it could be set up with the wrong parameters) or could be deactivated just before rendering.
the correct way to do it on is to activate it just before and deactivate it just after the specific object you want to render with alphatesting.
One more thing, to reduce pixeliness of the leafs when doing alpha testing you could increase the resolution of the texture.
A way to solve this is to rotate only when you press and hold one mousebutton and then rotate the scene relative to how the mouse moves.
About the alpha testing, my guess is that it dosn't work(it could be set up with the wrong parameters) or could be deactivated just before rendering.
the correct way to do it on is to activate it just before and deactivate it just after the specific object you want to render with alphatesting.
One more thing, to reduce pixeliness of the leafs when doing alpha testing you could increase the resolution of the texture. | | | glAux fix for lesson 6 | [twitter]thegeekstate[/twitter]
Looks nice.
In general I have same problems as others (to fast,...).
Your water also seems to be a bit unstable, as sometimes I can see big spikes out of it.
About the "line in the water". I sugest you use bigger but very blury/smooth texture.
For skybox: are you setting right warp modes? (clamp/clamp_to_edge)
In general I have same problems as others (to fast,...).
Your water also seems to be a bit unstable, as sometimes I can see big spikes out of it.
About the "line in the water". I sugest you use bigger but very blury/smooth texture.
For skybox: are you setting right warp modes? (clamp/clamp_to_edge)
You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
I fixed a few things. I added alpha testing(lol, i forgot to glEnable...), fixed that wierd line thing (has to do with the normals I was using), increased the viewing angle, added time based update, changed the texture for the leaf, and fixed the messed up skybox textures - it was the textures that were off.
its the same url:
Thx for the help nd tell me what u think :)
I fixed a few things. I added alpha testing(lol, i forgot to glEnable...), fixed that wierd line thing (has to do with the normals I was using), increased the viewing angle, added time based update, changed the texture for the leaf, and fixed the messed up skybox textures - it was the textures that were off.
its the same url:
Thx for the help nd tell me what u think :)
its very nice
but i thing that the grass and the leafs are trembling VERY fast
but i thing that the grass and the leafs are trembling VERY fast
wherever we ride it''s metal we bring
yeah, it's all a bit fast, else cool looking. could get a nice screensaver, or something.
If that's not the help you're after then you're going to have to explain the problem better than what you have. - joanusdmentia
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