
Working Overseas (imigration - America)

Started by August 21, 2004 01:13 PM
19 comments, last by Raduprv 20 years, 2 months ago
ahh thats kkol, in 2 yrs time i would have worked on two titles (giving i manage to fool them into keep me on that long :P), and yea, i noticed theres alota jobs in CA and mainly to the north-west of the US, but location shoulnt be a problem, but would rather move to a nice area of the US (if that even exsists), and CA's got a pretty bad rep :S
Designer - Climax
Quote: Original post by Raduprv
It also depends in what state you will move. I live in PA, and there are virtually no IT jobs nearby (let alone designing jobs)

Really? There are 3 games studios right down the road from me. (Breakaway, Firaxis, and Big Huge)
Quote: Original post by CrysAk
would rather move to a nice area of the US (if that even exsists)

Doesn't exist. So many people are trying to leave the US becuase it is so bad. :)

Most of this country is wonderful.
Quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster
Quote: Original post by CrysAk
would rather move to a nice area of the US (if that even exsists)

Doesn't exist. So many people are trying to leave the US becuase it is so bad. :)

Most of this country is wonderful.

lol tried to view your profile and i cant O_o!!!!, ahh well, lol ill quite hapily slag off the US with my name, cos,.. it really is that bad, sux really, if the government got their act together it wouldnt be a bad place, as they have alot of nice land over there.

hmm well its either gf move over here, or me move over there, and shes still in school over there, and + i can insure a skyline and other mad cars lol, but wound rather live over here tbo, as i cant go without beer! jebus that crasy

ahh well, any more info on getin in teh game industry in teh US will be great :), can never know to much about it :)

or if you know someone who knows some one that can get me a green card :F GREAT lol, but yea.. dout it
Designer - Climax
The US isn't a bad place to live. Don't believe all the propaganda. Think about why they are telling you it is bad for a minute. Taxes are fairly low and the government stays out of most peoples lives (especially compared to Europe). Crime outside of the big cities is fairly low (I will admit that some of the big cities are a mess). The cost of living is less than most of Europe while wages are higher. Lawyers and corporations run the country and little is socialized.
ive been there and seen it, and it is a very bad place from what ive seen... wont go any further than that as it just gets plain wrong, you have alot of sick pl in america, that need to be sorted out, and because the governemnt isnt sorting it out, nothings being done about it :/ but yea lets not go into that, lets talk about teh work related side
Designer - Climax
Quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster
Really? There are 3 games studios right down the road from me. (Breakaway, Firaxis, and Big Huge)

I live near Scranton (and work in Scranton) and there are no adds to IT, except for some little Oracle and stuff like that.
I did submit my CV to a lot of gamming companies in the US, and most of them didn't even bother to reply let alone calling me for an interview. I guess it has to do with not having any diploma (and, of course, with the bad enconomy).

As for living expenses VS income, it's usually better in Europe. In US there is little middle class nowdays. You are either rich or poor.
Quote: Original post by Raduprv

I did submit my CV to a lot of gamming companies in the US, and most of them didn't even bother to reply let alone calling me for an interview. I guess it has to do with not having any diploma (and, of course, with the bad enconomy).

First off, move to where the games companies are (the companioes are more likely to hire a local). Scranton isn't it (like I have to tell you that). The Baltimore, MD area is the closest to where you currently are. California has the most jobs. If you don't want CA, Austin TX has a thriving community, as do Boston and Seattle.

Actually the flat economy hasn't affected the games industry nearly as bad as the rest of the IT market. Our company has tripled in size and funding in the past couple of years.

Most game companies won't reply to an unsolicited resume. Why? Because they get hundreds a week. It's a lot of work just to scan them to see if there is something that catches the eye much less respond. Unless you are sending to the big boys (who will have an HR department), the person looking at them will typically be an overworked lead programmer/producer etc. who is trying to get back to his main task. The ratio of resumes to openings in the established games companies is over a hundred to one.

There has to be something on the resume that says "Hmmm...he looks promising, better than the other 99 we got today" to get the phone call. A degree is pretty much the minimum. A shipped title or two (ones that the person looking at the resume has heard of) helps also.

Spamming a generic resume is pretty much guaranteed not to work, either. Research the companies that you are interested in and make a resume and cover letter (for each company) that shows why you would be worth hiring for their company. If you don't think it sounds convincing, it isn't.

Oh yeah, spell check it and grammar check it and have someone who you trust read it over. A sloppy resume is not a good advertisement for your skills.
..and here's a dirty little secret...shhhh...don't tell anyone but we don't look at most demos sent to us. If the resume doesn't pique our interest we don't waste the time loading up the disk.
Anonymous Poster -
Would be able to send you my current Resume/CV and give me feedback on it?
Designer - Climax

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