Quote: Original post by Obscure
ROFL - yea right, the government would just leave a large bag of cash outside the treasury marked "video game makers only - please help yourself".
Unlike you I actually know something about government grants. I am working with developers who have managed to find some (very small) grants, and the form filling and red tape makes publisher pitching look like a walk in the park.
Do some research - go and look at the applications process for things like lottery grants etc. Sure, in your ideal world the process you envisage would be simple, but outside of dreamland governments don't work that way.
all that you have done here is say basically anything the government does is inefficent. a belief without any real merit. and then you lamely go dismissing it as dreamland because - well i dont know why really.
I dont think this is as a dreamland idea - it is technically feasible and probably simple. no more complicated than a sort of state run fileplanet.com
in the past there was no such thing as an all prevent network like we have today. we should use this infrastructure sensibly. And lets consider costs. if we nullified the publisher from the equation music might rightfully be 10% the cost or less (the raised tax less vastly than the populations current expendature on the medium)?
since brainstorming this idea I am wondering if there is a technical flaw? people may tend to download everything they can with bandwidth the only limit- in this way a proper score of what is actually popular may not occur - the reward from tax cake split too blandly.
instead perhaps, users of the state run fileplanetesque system might be asked to rate a randomly selected sample of their previous downloads. people who Really Enjoyed That Game will want to see more and so will vote highly for such and such.
here the technical problem is ensuring identity. - but perhaps a certain amount of subversion of the system is tollerable. as currently industry people are claiming VAST amounts of subversion £ wise.
this system is cheaper.
again i remind you guys that this sort of system in any of its variations that I suggest removes the publisher middleman (and Obscures company) from central importance. It is basically beyond the scope of artists and developers to distribute their work to the masses unless they go through the middleman (which can be thought of a little bit like legal maffia (they add a cost to the product for access to their distribution channels)).
there would still be publisher style orgs though - basically giving out venture capital and taking reward from the system appropriate to the risk they ventured and agreed on. but in general - the system is far more accessible democratically to start ups. and this is what we want surely?