
3D and 3D only

Started by August 17, 2004 12:15 AM
2 comments, last by Myopic Rhino 20 years, 1 month ago
I know the contest rules say: 3D Games/Screensaver/Demo, but is it acceptable creating 2D games but still using OpenGL ES API (i.e using textured quads)? The name of the contest is OpenGL ES Game Development, so I thought as long as I use OpenGL ES library, I still qualify. Not sure where you draw the line here. 3D as in 3D API or 3D interface?
Since qualcomm wants to use this as an example or demo or something, I'm assuming that they'll favor 3d over 2d, even if the rules don't officially rule it out.
but it should not be a problem though even if it's for a demo. The API used is still OpenGL ES. Everything is still done in 3D but mapped to 2D. Any programmer knows that it is still technically 3D.

edit: but anyway, can a mod/staff clarify this? I am not a 3D person. Whether I should get into the contest or not depends on this.

[Edited by - alnite on August 19, 2004 9:48:11 PM]
Quote: Original post by alnite
Any programmer knows that it is still technically 3D.
Unfortunately, many of the judges won't be programmers, and the intended audience for the entries won't be programmers, at least not primarily. Still, I wouldn't rule 2D out entirely. There are many people who think that 3D games for mobile won't catch on for a few more years, but that 3D hardware can be used to do some interesting things in 2D games that aren't otherwise practical. If you can do somehting along those lines, I think you'd have a decent chance at winning.

OTOH, if you do something that can be easily done using existing 2D technology, you'll have little chance of winning.

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