
QUALCOMM OpenGL ES/BREW Contest Thread

Started by August 16, 2004 03:41 PM
14 comments, last by meeshoo 20 years, 1 month ago
I see the other one has disappeared so I thought this might be a good place to start a new one... I'm stoked about this contest. That's a LOT of prizes to give away for a Gamedev contest though. It seems too good to be true. $1800 in prizes for each category? Especially when the lack of knowledge about OpenGL ES and BREW might keep people from entering. Anyone else looking to enter?
I really want to join (GREAT prices), but I don't have the knowledge to.
We had to pull the other thread temporarily because someone in Qualcomm legal hadn't signed off on it yet, but it's back now.

Quote: Original post by faseidman
$1800 in prizes for each category? Especially when the lack of knowledge about OpenGL ES and BREW might keep people from entering.
It's our hope that the prizes will motivate people to overcome those obstacles.

Honestly, BREW's not that hard, and the amount you need to know is pretty limited. As for OpenGL ES, anyone who knows OpenGL should be able to pick it up really quickly.
Well, I just read the contest information over, and I found out you only get ONE or TWO (depending on your rank), of the available prices. That's not motivating. [wink]
Quote: I found out you only get ONE or TWO (depending on your rank), of the available prices. That's not motivating

Yeah something like a $500 book token and an X800 is just such a shoddy prize [razz].

I dunno if I'm gonna be entering yet, the prizes on offer certainly do seem enticing, so I might knock something up.
It may just be me, but it seems like the rules state that it must be commercialized, which in the docs state that you need to be a developer (IE: be part of the developer alliance program) which means your going to have to get everything ready beforehand and pay at least $400. Is this true? Also, it mentions they only use it for 60 days and it can be a demo of a game, in which case i would say you would have rights to sell afterword (after of course purchasing the dev license correct?)
Quote: Original post by PaulCesar
It may just be me, but it seems like the rules state that it must be commercialized, which in the docs state that you need to be a developer (IE: be part of the developer alliance program) which means your going to have to get everything ready beforehand and pay at least $400. Is this true?

No. You can enter the competition by just targetting the emulator, which anyone can write programs for just by downloading the SDK. You would only need to become an authenticated developer if you wanted to be able to port your application to hardware.

"There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning." -Louis L'Amour
Can anyone tell me if there would be a problem with using models for this project? The brew developers page has a program called Q3D Converter (used to convert models from 3D Studio Max) and they say that it is used with the I3D interface. But since we have to use openGL ES is there equivalent functionality?


[Edited by - jonathan_obrien on August 23, 2004 7:23:28 AM]
The I3D API is BREWS previous, now depreciated, attempt at 3d. Nothing from that API is cross compatibly to GL ES, including the model format.

"There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning." -Louis L'Amour
But is there another way to load models?


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