
Installing Allegro, Alfont and MAskinG with VS.Net 2003

Started by August 12, 2004 05:21 PM
3 comments, last by 23yrold3yrold 20 years, 3 months ago
I'm having trouble getting MASkinG to work with MS Visual Studio.NET 2003. Example 1 compiles fine, but when I attempt to run it, it came up with a series of error messages about missing dll's, "alld40.dll" and "msvctrd.dll". I thought I'd resolve this problem by downloading the missing dll's and placing them in the System32 directory. This has removed the problems with those errors. However it is now reporting an error with a missing ordinal 1344 in alld40.dll. Any ideas?
Hi, you will probably have more more success with this question over at MASking is the creation of one Miran Amon and he was (until fairly recently) a regular at the aforementioned site.

A possible problem is your version of allegro and/or the fact you are compiling with (I believe that Miran mainly uses gnu gcc). Try upgrading to the latest allegro wip and see if that helps.
I left miran a PM to check this out, but I guess he's not coming. [dead]

Jesus saves ... the rest of you take 2d4 fire damage.

He already replied:
Heh. [grin] You people gotta post back here when you get your answers so a) things like this don't happen and b) anyone searching for a solution to the same problem can get the answer too. [smile]

Jesus saves ... the rest of you take 2d4 fire damage.

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